Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry

Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is a major reference work related to industrial chemistry by chemist Fritz Ullmann, first published in 1914, and exclusively in German as "Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie" until 1984.[3] Note: The 'topics' are a selection of related articles provided by Wiley Online Library.The number (#) indicates that, for example, 15 articles relate to the main branch of agrochemicals.[7] In the 1940s, American Chemists Donald F. Othmer and Raymond E. Kirk[9] from New York University began to create an English counterpart to Ullmann, named the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.The German chemistry magazine CHEManager wrote, quote: "In a double pack, the two companion works are simply unbeatable, because the knowledge gathered in both offers answers (almost) all questions that can arise in connection with chemical products and processes".
Industrial chemistryFritz UllmanncentenaryInternet ArchiveagrochemicalsDonald F. OthmerNew York UniversityWiley-VCH