Ugocsa County

Ugocsa was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary.These part were assigned to the administrative branch offices of Máramaros.In 1940, by the Second Vienna Award the southern part as well returned to Hungary thus the county was recreated with a modified territory, with the parts also included earlier to the administrative branch offices of Máramaros.Since 1991, when the Soviet Union split up, the Zakarpattia Oblast has been part of Ukraine.In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Ugocsa county were: Vynohradiv is now in Ukraine; Halmeu is now in Romania.
Map of Ugocsa county in the Kingdom of Hungary (1891)
Map of Ugocsa, 1891.
Ethnic map of the county with data of the 1910 census (see the key in the description).
HungarianGermanRomanianCountyKingdom of HungaryEastern Hungarian KingdomPrincipality of TransylvaniaNagyszőllősUkraineRomaniaVynohradivcomitatusMáramarosSzatmárTreaty of TrianonCzechoslovakiaSzatmár CountyHalmeuFirst Vienna AwardCarpathian RutheniaSecond Vienna AwardSoviet UnionUkrainian SSRZakarpattia OblastSatu Marenative languageRuthenianreligionGreek CatholicCalvinistJewishRoman CatholicLands of the Crown of Saint StephenAbaúj-TornaAlsó-FehérBács-BodrogBaranyaBékésBeszterce-NaszódBorsodBrassóCsanádCsongrádEsztergomFejérFogarasGömör-KishontHajdúHáromszékHunyadJász-Nagykun-SzolnokKis-KüküllőKolozsKomáromKrassó-SzörényLiptóMaros-TordaNagy-KüküllőNógrádNyitraPest-Pilis-Solt-KiskunPozsonySárosSomogySopronSzabolcsSzebenSzepesSzilágySzolnok-DobokaTorda-AranyosTorontálTrencsénTurócUdvarhelyVeszprémZemplénZólyomKingdom of Croatia-SlavoniaBjelovar-KriževciLika-KrbavaModruš-RijekaPožegaSrijemVaraždinViroviticaZagreb