
The 100-hectare (250-acre) reserve, formerly a Domänreservat (protected by the Swedish government forestry agency), is part of the Böda Kronopark.Trollskogen is characterized by its lichen-covered pine trees; those close to the exposed shore (a shingle beach) have been deformed by the wind.Today, cattle still graze here, ensuring the biodiversity of the ecosystem, native grass and herb diversity.The rich flora of the reserve includes endangered and rare species such as Pachyphiale carneola, Calicium abietinum, and Sphinctrina.Grankullavik, formerly called Örboviken, was a naval base in the 15th century, dominating much of the central Baltic Sea.
Windswept pines with contorted shapes in Trollskogen
Wreck of the three-masted schooner Swiks
Area map with Trollskogen's boundary in green.
BalticÖlandBöda sockenBorgholm Municipalityshingle beachGrankullavikenlichenecosystemPachyphiale carneolaCalicium abietinumSphinctrinaburr chervilPrince's pineBaltic wormwoodcairnsstone circlesGrankullavikBaltic SeaKing John IIIschoonerstrollers