Toro Mata

"Toro Mata" ("The Bull Kills" in Spanish) is one of the most famous Afro-Peruvian songs in Peru, which has been recorded and developed by many different musical artists throughout its history."Toro Mata" is a type of Peruvian music initially developed by enslaved black people in Cañete and Chincha.A dance of "Toro Mata" also developed, which mocks and parodies the stylized waltzes of European Conquistadores.This politically charged song and dance developed as a reaction to the conquest of Peru by Spain."Toro Mata" has also been performed by Peruvian musicians Susana Baca, Eva Ayllon, Peru Negro and Lucila Campos.
SpanishAfro-PeruvianCañeteChinchalandówaltzesConquistadoresmusica criollaCaitro SotoSusana BacaEva AyllonPeru NegroLucila CamposCelia CruzMusica negra