Thomas Coke (bishop)

He was dismissed from his post on Easter Sunday 1777, and his parishioners celebrated at the rector's behest by ringing the church bells and opening a hogshead of cider.He was appointed Superintendent of the London District in 1780 and President of the Methodist Church in Ireland in 1782 – a function he was to serve many times in the coming decades.Wesley's action took place two months before the consecration in Aberdeen of Samuel Seabury as bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the USA.After spending some months travelling throughout Great Britain and Ireland, Coke made his first mission to the West Indies in 1786, making further visits in 1788–89, 1790, and 1792–93.On 1 April 1805, at the age of 58, Coke married Penelope Goulding Smith, a wealthy woman who happily spent her personal fortune furthering the missions.Asbury described Coke as "a gentleman, a scholar, a bishop to us; and as a minister of Christ, in zeal, in labours, in services, the greatest man in the last century."
The house in which Dr. Coke commenced the Jamaica Mission (May 1852) [ 3 ]
Coke Chapel, Kingston, Jamaica (April 1852) [ 4 ]
Thomas Cooke (bishop)The ReverendPresident of the Methodist ConferenceThomas TaylorJoseph BensonHenry MooreAdam ClarkeMethodistbishopBreconpriestSouth PethertonJohn Wesleyco-founded Methodism in AmericaapothecaryJesus CollegeOxfordBachelor of ArtsMaster of ArtsDoctor of Civil LawChurch of EnglandcuracySomersetrectorparishopen servicesEaster Sundayrector'shogsheadMethodist Church in IrelandAmerican RevolutionAnglicanBishop of LondonNew WorldHoly OrdersBristolpresbyterAberdeenSamuel SeaburyAugustine'sVirgilFrancis XavierJesuitDavid BrainerdPuritanBaltimoreFrancis AsburyslaveryGeorge WashingtonCongressGreat BritainIrelandWest IndiesPresident of the ConferenceGibraltarSierra LeoneCanadaScotlandEast IndiesCeylonLord Liverpoolappointment of Church of England bishopsSri LankastrokeIndian OceanList of bishops of the United Methodist ChurchChisholm, HughEncyclopædia BritannicaShepherd, VictorMethodist Episcopal ChurchAnglican Churchin North AmericaMethodismHistory of Methodism in the United StatesFirst Great AwakeningArticles of ReligionCircuit riderLovely Lane Methodist ChurchBarratt's ChapelChristmas ConferenceSecond Great AwakeningConnexionalismMethodist Church (USA)United Methodist ChurchMainline ProtestantDerivativesEvangelical AssociationAfrican Methodist Episcopal ChurchAfrican Methodist Episcopal Zion ChurchMethodist Episcopal Church of CanadaMethodist Protestant ChurchChristian UnionChurch of God (Holiness)Christ's Sanctified Holy ChurchChurch of the NazarenePilgrim Holiness ChurchPentecostal Holiness Church of North CarolinaLumber River Conference of the Holiness Methodist ChurchKentucky Mountain Holiness AssociationRepublican Methodist ChurchChristian ConnectionCongregational Christian ChurchesConservative Congregational Christian ConferenceNational Association of Congregational Christian ChurchesUnited Church of ChristWesleyan Methodist ChurchChurch of Daniel's BandFire-Baptized Holiness ChurchMissionary Methodist ChurchBible Methodist Connection of ChurchesBible Methodist Connection of TennesseeAllegheny Wesleyan Methodist ConnectionMethodist Episcopal Church, SouthCongregational Methodist ChurchChristian Methodist Episcopal ChurchPeople's Methodist ChurchSouthern Methodist ChurchFree Methodist ChurchReformed Free Methodist ChurchUnited Holiness ChurchEvangelical Wesleyan ChurchList of denominationsin the United StatesAnglicanismArminianismMoravianismNonconformismPietismWesleyan theologyDoctrineOld TestamentNew TestamentNicene CreedApostles' CreedSermons on Several OccasionsExplanatory Notes Upon the New TestamentConditional preservation of the saintsPriesthood of all believersFour sources of theological authorityCovenant theologySubstitutionary atonementImparted righteousnessNew birthOutward holinessPrevenient graceSainthoodSunday SabbatarianismChristian perfectionSecond work of graceWorks of pietyWorks of mercyWorshipThe Sunday Service of the MethodistsCovenant Renewal ServiceRevival serviceMourner's benchAltar callCamp meetingTabernacleTent revivalBrush arbour revivalRevivalistLovefeastWatchnight servicePeopleRichard AllenJohn William FletcherWilliam Williams PantycelynOrange ScottBenjamin Titus RobertsWalter SellewHowell HarrisAlbert C. OutlerJames VarickCharles WesleyGeorge WhitefieldCountess of HuntingdonPhoebe PalmerRichard WatsonTheologiansMoravian ChurchFetter Lane SocietyHoliness movementConservative holiness movementEvangelicalismGeneral ConferenceMethodist CircuitPastoral chargeClass meetingPenitent bandWorld Methodist CouncilSaints in MethodismMethodist local preacherItinerant preacherStewardHomosexuality and MethodismOrdination of women in MethodismBishops in Methodism