Third (chord)

In music, the third factor of a chord is the note or pitch two scale degrees above the root or tonal center.Conventionally, the third is third in importance to the root and fifth, with the third in all primary triads (I, IV, V and i, iv, v) being either major or minor.The third in both major and augmented chords is major (E♮ in C) and the third in both minor and diminished chords is minor (E♭ in C).In music and music theory, a tenth is the note ten scale degrees from the root of a chord and also the interval between the root and the tenth.Since there are only seven degrees in a diatonic scale the tenth degree is the same as the mediant and the interval of a tenth is a compound third.
First inversion C major triad. The third is the bass.
Third (E), in red, of a C major chord
Two added chords with mixed thirds, thirds separated by octave [ 1 ]
Chord on left
Chord on left
Minor tenth on C
Major tenth on C
major chordfactorscale degreesbass notefirst inversionadded chordsprimary triadsjazz chordschord qualityaugmented chordsdiminished chordsmusic theoryintervaldiatonic scalemediantList of third intervalsKostka, StefanDuckworth, WilliamPersichetti, VincentChord factorsSeventhEleventhThirteenthFifteenthIntervalsTwelve-semitonesemitonesunisonfourthoctavesecondtwelfthfourteenth24-tone equal temperamentNeutralquarter tonemajor fourthminor fifthJust intonations7-limitseptimal quarter toneseptimal third toneseptimal chromatic semitoneseptimal diatonic semitonesupermajor secondsubminor thirdsupermajor thirdsubminor fifthsupermajor fourthsubminor seventhHigher-limitminor diatonic semitoneMicrotone5-limitPseudo-octavePythagorean intervalSubminor and supermajorPythagorean limmaPythagorean apotomeMajor limmaUndecimal quarter toneCommasPythagorean commaSyntonic commaHoldrian commaSeptimal commaLesser diesisGreater diesisSeptimal diesisDiaschismaSemicommaSeptimal semicommaKleismaSeptimal kleismaSchismaBreedsmaRagismaMillioctaveSavartDitoneSemiditoneIncomposite intervalList of pitch intervals