Think! (short story)

is a science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov, first appeared in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine in its first issue (Spring 1977).Genevieve Renshaw summons her colleagues, James Berkowitz and Adam Orsino, to show a new discovery that has kept her busy enough for her to ignore all of her other work.She has been able to advance the science of the electroencephalogram by applications of a laser.Her laser electroencephalogram (LEG) can scan each individual brain cell so rapidly that there is no temperature change, and yet more information is given.She successfully tests this on a marmoset and later Orsino, and then realizes that the LEG allows telepathy.
science fictionshort storyIsaac AsimovIsaac Asimov's Science Fiction MagazineThe Complete RobotRobot VisionselectroencephalogrammarmosetIsaac Asimov short stories bibliographyInternet Speculative Fiction DatabaseA Boy's Best FriendSomedayPoint of ViewTrue LoveRobot AL-76 Goes AstrayVictory UnintentionalStranger in ParadiseLight VerseSegregationistRobbieLet's Get TogetherMirror ImageThe Tercentenary IncidentFirst LawRunaroundReasonCatch That RabbitSatisfaction GuaranteedGalley SlaveLittle Lost RobotEscape!EvidenceThe Evitable ConflictFeminine Intuition. . . That Thou Art Mindful of HimThe Bicentennial Man