Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film University

The chief founder of the university was a well-known Georgian theater actor and director, Lado Meskhishvili The first attempt to create a drama school in Georgia related to School Dramas in the Seminaries of Telavi (1782) and Tbilisi (1855), where by law it was possible to play “a comedy or any other conspicuous play once a week.” In 1880, the Statute of the Dramatic Society provided for it to “hold theater classes and temporary courses to prepare and train artists."In 1922, a Drama Studio established under the leadership of A. Pagava, which according to the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars dated October 10, 1922 (Protocol N 31), became the basis of the "Institute of Performing Arts."The first rector of the institute was Akaki Paghava, the artistic director was Kote Marjanishvili, and the teachers were prominent scientists: I. Javakhishvili, D. Uznadze, G. Chubinashvili, A. Shanidze, G. Akhvlediani, A. Natishvili.The university has faculties of Drama, Film, and Television, Humanities, Social Sciences and Management and Georgian Folk Music and Dance, where over a thousand students study for Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees.The “Centaur” publishing house produces textbooks, manuals, scientific works and monographs written by professors of the university and also a journal, "Art Science Studies."The older generation of directors formed the core methodological principles of education, which in its essence bases on K. Stanislavski system as a foundation for training actors.M. Tumanishvili, who was a student of G. Tovstonogov, developed training methodology, conducted bold experiments that subsequently would make it easier for graduates which would help to adjust and adapt to the new theater groups.In subsequent years on the faculty worked: Shalva Gatserelia, Gaioz Jirdania, Medea Kuchukhidze, Akvsenti Gamsakhurdia, Anzor Kutateladze, Levan Mirtskhulava, Nana Demetrashvili, Konstantine Surmava, Temur Abashidze; head of stage speech department Leila Kapanadze, head of stage movement department Natela Ionatamishvili, masters of artistic reading Zinaida Kverenchkhiladze and Guram Sagaradze and others.The first two groups of film directors got headed by Tengiz Abuladze, Irakli Kvirikadze, Lana Gogoberidze and Omar Gvasalia.[1] Notable professors include Eldar Shengelaya, Giorgi Shengelaia, Otar Ioseliani, Rezo Esadze, Soso Chkhaidze, Gela Kandelaki.At the same time, the faculty pays particular attention to the development of the specialties that do not belong to the humanitarian sphere but directly link to Arts and Culture.Bandmaster of Georgian upbringing laid the foundation for Anzor Erkomashvili, Gomar hopes Badri Toidze the choreographer took responsibility to care Ucha Dvalishvili, lauz Chanishvili, B. Svanidze.
PublicRectorTbilisiGeorgiaColoursNicknameCentaurCaucasusGeorgianLado MeskhishviliLado MeskhishiviliKote MarjanishviliUSSR State Committee for CinematographyRezo ChkheidzeTengiz AbuladzeLana GogoberidzeEldar ShengelaiaOtar IoselianiTemur BabluaniNana JorjadzeNana JanelidzeGoderdzi ChokheliChokheli'sInternational Short Film Festival OberhausenEldar ShengelayaGiorgi ShengelaiaDito TsintsadzeList of modern universities in Europe (1801–1945)UniversitiesIlia State UniversityTbilisi State UniversityInternational School of Economics at Tbilisi State UniversityShota Rustaveli State UniversityAkaki Tsereteli State UniversityTelavi Iakob Gogebashvili State UniversityGeorgian Technical UniversityGori State Teaching UniversitySokhumi State UniversityTbilisi State Medical UniversityTbilisi State ConservatoireTbilisi State Academy of ArtsBatumi State Maritime AcademyFree University of TbilisiGeorgian Institute of Public AffairsUniversity of GeorgiaDavid Agmashenebeli University of GeorgiaGrigol Robakidze UniversityInternational Black Sea UniversityEuropean UniversityKutaisi UniversityKutaisi International UniversityCaucasus UniversityTbilisi Medical AcademySaint Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of GeorgiaSukhishvili Teaching UniversityAgricultural University of GeorgiaGuram Tavartkiladze Tbilisi Teaching University