The Witness (TV series)
The Witness is an American television show broadcast on the CBS network in the United States September 29, 1960 - January 26, 1961,[1] in which a fictional "Committee" of lawyers cross-examined actors portraying actual people from the recent past of the United States who had been considered criminal or suspicious.[2] David Susskind was the Executive Producer; Murray Susskind (David's brother) and Nick Mayo were line producers—the production company was Talent Associates.The show was created and written by Irve Tunick, and filmed in the CBS studios in New York City.The premise of the show was explained in the opening narration: Verne Collett played the Court Reporter.The Committee Members were played by members of the New York Bar[2] — not all of them appeared together in every episode: When the show first came on the air, TIME magazine said:[5] However, several months later, daily newspaper television columns disagreed—for example:[4]