The Journal of Religion

The Journal of Religion is an academic journal published by the University of Chicago Press founded in 1897 as The American Journal of Theology.The journal "embraces all areas of theology (biblical, historical, ethical, and constructive) as well as other types of religious studies (literary, social, psychological, and philosophical).This article about an academic journal on religious studies is a stub.You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.See tips for writing articles about academic journals.Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page.
DisciplineReligious studiesPublisherUniversity of Chicago PressUniversity of Chicago Divinity SchoolUnited StatestheologybiblicalhistoricalconstructiveList of theological journalsUniversity of ChicagoThe CollegeBooth School of BusinessCrown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and PracticeDivinity SchoolGraham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional StudiesHarris School of Public Policy StudiesLaw SchoolPritzker School of MedicinePritzker School of Molecular EngineeringArgonne National LaboratoryBecker Friedman InstituteCenter for Middle Eastern StudiesCenter for Population EconomicsCenter for Research in Security PricesChicago Project on Security and ThreatsChicago school of economicsComer Children's HospitalCommittee on Social ThoughtComprehensive Cancer CenterEnrico Fermi InstituteFermilabJames Franck InstituteInstitute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, West Asia & North AfricaInstitute of PoliticsLaboratory SchoolsMarine Biological LaboratoryMedical Center National Opinion Research CenterObama Presidential CenterPaulson InstituteSonia Shankman Orthogenic SchoolStieglitz LectureToyota Technological InstituteJournalsResidence hallsBurton–Judson CourtsSnell–HitchcockHousing at the University of ChicagoBartlett HallGeorge Herbert Jones LaboratoryGerald Ratner Athletics CenterHenry Crown FieldhouseFrancis and Rose Yuen (Hong Kong) campusHutchinson CommonsIda Noyes HallLibraryJoe and Rika Mansueto LibraryJohn Crerar LibraryRegenstein LibraryLorado Taft Midway StudiosMidway PlaisanceQuadrangle ClubRenaissance SocietyRobie HouseRockefeller ChapelSeminary Co-opSmart Museum of ArtStagg FieldHistoryCannon v. University of ChicagoChicago Pile-1Nuclear EnergyGraduate Library SchoolUniversity of Chicago sit-insKenwood Astrophysical ObservatoryMetallurgical LaboratoryOld University of ChicagoYerkes ObservatoryMaroonsFootballMen's basketballWomen's basketballLascivious Costume BallLatke–Hamantash DebateScavenger HuntUniversity Athletic AssociationThe Chicago MaroonChicago ReviewContemporary Chamber PlayersDoc FilmsOff-Off CampusPoetry ClubStudent GovernmentVoices in Your HeadPeopleAlumniSchool of BusinessFacultyacademic journal