The Facilities Society
The Facilities Society was founded in the UK on 9 December 2008 as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee (registered in England nr.The driver for the Society's founding was the absence of a natural home for research into the creation, upgrading and sustainable use of facilities and the related dissemination of findings and knowledge in public and political forums in order to influence policy and practice.The Society's research agenda includes measures to reduce embodied and operational carbon in facilities of all kinds.A facility is defined as a physical construct and asset that is designed, engineered and operated to serve a particular function and to fulfil a need or provide a service, such as a building, installation, system or network.Facilities are needed for living, working, health care, education, industrial production, commercial development, retailing, utilities, transportation and other infrastructure, sports and leisure, entertainment and communication, and are often collectively referred to as the built environment.