Textual variants in the Gospel of Matthew

Textual variants in manuscripts arise when a copyist makes deliberate or inadvertent alterations to a text that is being reproduced.Origen, writing in the 3rd century, was one of the first who made remarks about differences between manuscripts of texts that were eventually collected as the New Testament.They may resort to performing a rearranging of words to retain the overall meaning without compromising the context."[2] Peter J. Gurry puts the number of non-spelling variants among New Testament manuscripts around 500,000, though he acknowledges his estimate is higher than all previous ones.[4] Note: This running list of textual variants is nonexhaustive, and is continually being updated in accordance with the modern critical publications of the Greek New Testament — United Bible Societies' Fifth Revised Edition (UBS5) published in 2014, Novum Testamentum Graece: Nestle-Aland 28th Revised Edition of the Greek New Testament (NA28) published in 2012, and Novum Testamentum Graecum: Editio Critica Maior (ECM) last published in 2017 — and supplemented by nonmodern publications wherever applicable, including those of Hodges & Farstad, Greeven, Lachmann, Legg, Merk, Nestle-Aland editions 25–27, Aland's Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum (SQE), Souter, Swanson, Tischendorf, Tregelles, von Soden, and Westcott & Hort.
Beginning of the Gospel of Matthew in Minuscule 447
Beginning of the Gospel of Matthew in Minuscule 448
Papyrus 1 with text Matthew 1:1-9; in 1,3 it has a variant Ζαρε against Ζαρα
Sinaiticus, Matthew 3:7-4:19
Matt 3:10-12 from Papyrus 101
Sinaiticus, Matthew 5:22-6:4
Sinaiticus, Matthew 6:32-7:27
Matt 8:13 in Codex Nanianus
Sinaiticus, Matthew 9:23-10:17
Codex 828 with text of Matthew 9:26-36
Matthew 10:13-15 in 𝔓 110
Matthew 11:25-30 from Papyrus 62
Matthew 11:26-27 from Papyrus 70
Matthew 12:24-26 from Papyrus 21
Matthew 13:55-56 from Papyrus 103
Matthew 15:15 in codex 0237; it may include the variant την παραβολην
Matthew 21:19-24 from Uncial 087
Matthew 21:34-37 in Papyrus 104
Matthew 22:32-44 from codex 544
Matthew 25:41-46 from Papyrus 45
Papyrus 37 recto; fragment Mt 26:19-37, in 26:28 it has variant covenant
Matthew 26:29-35 from Papyrus 53
Matthew 26:52-69 from Codex Ephraemi in Tischendorf's facsimile (1843)
Matthew 28:2-5 from Papyrus 105 (verso)
Minuscule 447Minuscule 448Gospel of Matthewtextual criticismNew TestamentmanuscriptsOrigendittographyJohn MillPapyrus 1Papyrus 19Papyrus 21Papyrus 25Papyrus 35Papyrus 37Papyrus 44Papyrus 45Papyrus 53Papyrus 62Papyrus 64Papyrus 70Papyrus 71Papyrus 77Papyrus 86uncialminusculemanuscriptArabic versionsArmenian versionsByzantine text-typeCoptic versionsEthiopic versionsGeorgian versionsGothic versionsVetus LatinaVulgatepapyrusindividually numbered lectionarynumbered lectionariesSlavic versionsSyriac versionsLatin VulgateTextus ReceptusCodex SinaiticusCodex AlexandrinusCodex VaticanusCodex Ephraemi RescriptusCodex BezaeCodex ClaromontanusCodex CypriusCodex Mosquensis ICodex Regius (New Testament)Codex AngelicusCodex PorphyrianusCodex Vaticanus 354Codex Mosquensis IICodex WashingtonianusCodex DublinensisCodex Tischendorfianus IVCodex Sangallensis 48Codex KoridethiCodex ZacynthiusCodex Petropolitanus (New Testament)Codex BeratinusCodex Athous LavrensisCodex Athous DionysiouCodex Corbeiensis ICodex Corbeiensis IICodex Sangermanensis ICodex BobiensisEditio Octava Critica MaiorWestcott and HortNovum Testamentum Graece (Nestle–Aland)United Bible SocietiesEditio Critica Maior𝔐/ByzDidymusLectionary 54ℓ 76ℓ 211TheophilusIrenaeusChromatiusJeromeAugustineEusebiusEpiphaniusChrysostomAmbroseJustinHilaryHesychiusℓ 70ℓ 150ℓ 185ProclusPapyrus 101𝔓101CyprianJustin MartyrEphremGospelHebClementTertullianIgnatius𝑙76Liber GraduumAthanasiusAsteriusEphraemNestorius𝑙20Apostolic CanonsAphraatesGregoryTheodoretLuciferSpeculum𝔓64GospelNazPtolemyTheodoreCassianApostolic ConstitutionsTheodore of MopsuestiaCarpocratesAthenagorasCassiodorusArseniusAdamantiusFaustusPseudo-ClementineDidacheActa Thomae(Cyril)CaesariusMaximusEuthaliusPetrusEvagriusMarcusMethodiusMacariusMarcus EremitaHeracleonGaudentiusℓ 50Codex 828JuvencusMinuscule 828𝑙185𝑙150𝔓110𝔓19𝑙241𝔓62MarcosiansPseudo-ClementinesSeverian𝔓70𝔓21𝑙12Papyrus 103𝔓103𝑙184Egerton Gospel𝑙292𝔓44Eusebian Canons𝔓25𝔓71Naassenes𝔓45Uncial 087ff2(c)HippolytusPapyrus 104𝔓104𝑙102𝔓77𝔓37Codex EphraemiSayings of Jesus on the crossTischendorf's 8th EditionPapyrus 105Great Commissionof the father and of the son and of the holy spiritin my nameAnte-NiceneTextual variants in the New TestamentTextual variants in the Gospel of MarkTextual variants in the Gospel of LukeTextual variants in the Gospel of JohnDifferences between codices Sinaiticus and VaticanusMetzger, Bruce ManningEhrman, Bart D.Deutsche BibelgesellschaftNovum Testamentum Graece et LatineBart D. EhrmanOxford University PressBruce M. MetzgerWayback MachineRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyPhilemonHebrews1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnRevelationMatthew 1Jesus' birthStar of BethlehemFlight into EgyptMassacre of the InnocentsReturn to NazarethKingdom of heavenBaptismTemptationGalilean ministryFishers of menSermon on the MountBeatitudesLord's PrayerGolden RuleJesus preaches in a shipCalming the stormFeeding the multitudeWalking on waterTransfigurationGreat CommandmentOlivet DiscourseTen VirginsAnointingPassion of JesusLast SupperCrucifixion of JesusBurialEmpty tombResurrectionAndrewCaiaphasJeremiahJesus ChristJohn the BaptistJosephJudas IscariotMary MagdaleneMary, sister of MarthaMatthewPhilipPontius PilateRachelSimon PeterThomasZebedeeAngelsPhariseesSadduceesSanhedrinBethanyBethlehemBethsaidaCapernaumGalileeJerusalemJordan RiverSamariaSea of GalileeQ sourceM sourceGospel of MarkAugustinian hypothesisTwo-gospel hypothesisMatthean PosteriorityGenealogy of JesusFive Discourses of MatthewCalling of MatthewImmanuelGospel of Pseudo-MatthewRabbinical translationsShem TobJoseph Smith–MatthewSt Matthew PassionStructureThe Gospel According to St. MatthewGodspellMagdalen papyrus