Teatro Colón, Lima

[2][3] Before the theater, it is documented that the land belonged to a man named José Manuel Alejo de Hurtado in the mid-19th century.Thus, the construction of the theater began at the hands of the architect of French origin, Claude Sahut (designer and builder of various works in Lima throughout the 1910s and 1920s).In the year 2000 the authorities decided to close the space alleging that "it affected the decoration of the city and the maintenance of good customs".The day after the Teatro Colón was inaugurated, the newspaper El Comercio published a review about the episode and the characteristics of the venue: Last night, the Sala del Colón presented a beautiful sight: totally occupied, in all its various sections: the room is small, but elegant, its decoration is simple and artistic, its graceful form and cheerful appearance.The Architect Mr. Claude Sahut, author of the work, can be considered satisfied because he has removed from a field, really reduced, an elegant building, which is an adornment of the capital.
The theatre (left) next to the Giacoletti Building (right).
Beaux-ArtsSan Martín PlazaMinistry of CultureClaude SahutSpanishhistoric centreFrenchRevolutionary Government of the Armed ForcesJuan Velasco AlvaradoImmovable Cultural Heritage of the Nationadult movie theatreadult filmseconomic crisisMetropolitan Municipality of LimaJirón de la UniónGiacoletti BuildingClub NacionalParterreBalconyPlaza San Martín, LimaLa RepúblicaEl ComercioUniversidad de San Martín de Porres