Tate's thesis

Using harmonic analysis, more precisely the Poisson summation formula, he proved the functional equation and meromorphic continuation of the zeta integral and the Hecke L-function.Erich Hecke used a generalized theta series associated to an algebraic number field and a lattice in its ring of integers.Kenkichi Iwasawa independently discovered essentially the same method (without an analog of the local theory in Tate's thesis) during the Second World War and announced it in his 1950 International Congress of Mathematicians paper and his letter to Jean Dieudonné written in 1952.Iwasawa in his letter to Dieudonné derived on several pages not only the meromorphic continuation and functional equation of the L-function, he also proved finiteness of the class number and Dirichlet's theorem on units as immediate byproducts of the main computation.The theory in positive characteristic was developed one decade earlier by Ernst Witt, Wilfried Schmid, and Oswald Teichmüller.
number theoryPhD thesisJohn TateEmil ArtinPrinceton Universityideleszeta functionHecke characterL-functionnumber fieldharmonic analysisPoisson summation formulafunctional equationmeromorphic continuationErich Hecketheta seriesKenkichi IwasawaSecond World WarInternational Congress of MathematiciansJean DieudonnéDirichletErnst WittWilfried SchmidOswald Teichmüllerclass field theorygeneral linear groupRoger GodementHervé JacquetLanglands correspondenceBasic Number TheoryAmerican Mathematical SocietyBernstein, JosephGelbart, StephenAlgebraic number theorynon-abelian class field theoryIwasawa theoryIwasawa–Tate theoryKummer theoryAnalytic number theoryanalytic theory of L-functionsprobabilistic number theorysieve theoryGeometric number theoryComputational number theoryTranscendental number theoryDiophantine geometryArakelov theoryHodge–Arakelov theoryArithmetic combinatoricsadditive number theoryArithmetic geometryanabelian geometryp-adic Hodge theoryArithmetic topologyArithmetic dynamicsNumbersNatural numbersPrime numbersComposite numbersRational numbersIrrational numbersAlgebraic numbersTranscendental numbersp-adic numbersp-adic analysisArithmeticModular arithmeticChinese remainder theoremArithmetic functionsQuadratic formsModular formsL-functionsDiophantine equationsDiophantine approximationIrrationality measureSimple continued fractionsList of topicsList of recreational topics