Taejae University

All students participate in the Global Engagement Program (GEP) at residential campuses in South Korea, the US, China, Russia, and Japan.In June 2023, the institution began its first admission process, offering 100 quota each for Korean and international applicants for the Fall intake.From a pool of 410 total applicants, 32 were selected for the inaugural class, making the 2023 admission rate 7.8%.[4] On October 16, 2023, Stephen Kosslyn (former Dean of Social Science at Harvard) highlighted the institution as potentially leading the online university model during his speech at an AI education forum in Seoul, South Korea.Freshmen are initially admitted into the School of Innovation Foundations, and are able to choose their major from the second-year.
PrivateChairmanPresidentProvostUndergraduatesJongno-gu, SeoulColorsKoreandistance learningprivate universityHanssemMinistry of EducationKorea UniversityProfessor Emeritusmatriculation ceremonyJongno-guStephen KosslynHarvardseminarssecond-yearKorea JoongAng DailyThe Korea Herald