
[citation needed] During normal flying conditions, the tailplane of a T-tail is out of the disturbed airflow behind the wing and fuselage,[1] which provides for more consistent elevator response.[1] For a transsonic aircraft a T-tail configuration may improve pitch control effectiveness, because the elevator is not in disturbed air behind the fuselage, particularly at moderate angles of attack.[4][1] The American McDonnell F-101 Voodoo jet fighter suffered from this problem,[citation needed] as did the British Gloster Javelin, Hawker Siddeley Trident and BAC One-Eleven.Many large aircraft can have the fin and rudder fold to reduce height in hangars, however this generally isn't feasible or useful if there is a T-tail.[citation needed] The T-tail can often be found on military transport aircraft, such as the Airbus A400M, the Boeing C-17 Globemaster III and the Embraer C-390 Millenium.In the 1960s, several passenger jets with rear-fuselage-mounted engines featured T-tails, such as the BAC One-Eleven, the Vickers VC10, the McDonnell Douglas DC-9, the Boeing 727, the Fokker F28 Fellowship, and the Russian Ilyushin Il-62 and Tupolev Tu-154.In the 1970s it was used on the McDonnell Douglas MD-80, and the Russian freighter Ilyushin Il-76, as well as the twin turboprop Beechcraft Super King Air.
Piper PA-44-180 Seminole
T-tail of aircraft ( Tu-154 )
Avro RJ-85SN Brussels AirlinesMcDonnell Douglas MD-90Grob G 109motor gliderBeechcraft 1900Swiss Air ForceTu-154empennagetailplaneaircraftfuselagenacellestranssonicinduced dragTupolev Tu-154Boeing C-17 Globemasterangles of attackMcDonnell F-101 VoodooGloster JavelinHawker Siddeley TridentBAC One-Elevenaeroelastic flutterLockheed C-141 StarlifterGulfstream G650rear-enginesAlaska Airlines Flight 261Airbus A400MBoeing C-17 Globemaster IIIEmbraer C-390 MilleniumLockheed F-104 StarfighterinterceptorsBlackburn Buccaneerattack aircraftVickers VC10McDonnell Douglas DC-9Boeing 727Fokker F28 FellowshipIlyushin Il-62GulfstreamGrumman Gulfstream IILearjetLearjet 23Phenom 100Phenom 300Legacy/PraetorMcDonnell Douglas MD-80Ilyushin Il-76Beechcraft Super King AirFokker 100British Aerospace 146Fokker 70Boeing 717Embraer ERJ familyBombardier CRJ700 seriesPilatus PC-12glidersCruciform tailPelikan tailTwin tailV-tailHans MulthoppsystemsAirframeAft pressure bulkheadCabane strutCanopyCrack arrestorFabric coveringFairingFlying wiresFormerHardpointInterplane strutJury strutLeading edgeLift strutLongeronNacelleStabilizerStressed skinTrailing edgeVertical stabilizerWing rootWing tipWingboxFlight controlsAileronAirbrakeAutopilotCanardCentre stickDeceleronDive brakeDual controlElectro-hydraulic actuatorElevatorElevonFlaperonFlight control modesFly-by-wireGust lockRudder pedalsServo tabSide-stickSpoilerSpoileronStabilatorStick pusherStick shakerTrim tabWing warpingYaw damperAerodynamichigh-liftActive Aeroelastic WingAdaptive compliant wingAnti-shock bodyBlown flapChannel wingDrag-reducing aerospikeGouge flapGurney flapKrueger flapLeading-edge cuffLeading-edge droop flapStall stripsStrakeVariable-sweep wingVortex generatorVortilonWing fenceWingletAvionicflightinstrumentAir data boomAir data computerAircraft periscopeAirspeed indicatorAltimeterAnnunciator panelAstrodomeAttitude indicatorCompassCourse deviation indicatorFlight management systemGlass cockpitHead-up displayHeading indicatorHorizontal situation indicatorMulti-function displayPitot–static systemRadar altimeterTransponderTurn and slip indicatorVariometerYaw stringPropulsionfuel systemsAutothrottleDrop tankGascolatorInlet coneIntake rampNACA cowlingNACA ductSelf-sealing fuel tankSplitter plateThrottleThrust leverThrust reversalTownend ringWar emergency powerWet wingLandingarresting gearAircraft tireArrestor hookAutobrakeConventional landing gearDrogue parachuteLanding gearLanding gear extenderOleo strutTricycle landing gearTundra tireEjection seatEscape crew capsuleAircraft lavatoryAuxiliary power unitBleed air systemDeicing bootEmergency oxygen systemEnvironmental control systemFlight recorderIce protection systemIn-flight entertainment systemLanding lightsNavigation lightPassenger service unitRam air turbine