Tūwharetoa i te Aupōuri

[8] John Te Herekiekie Grace reports that Tūwharetoa was a remarkable warrior, a wise advisor, and a master wood carver.[9] With the help of his ally Tūtewero son of Maruka, Tūwharetoa established control of a region encompassing Ōtamarākau, the Awa-o-te-atua (Tarawera River), and Kawerau.Then they travelled north along the coast, past Maniaheke and Kowhaiataku to Lake Rotongaio, where an argument with the priestess Hine-kaho-roa culminated in her uttering a powerful curse and comparing Tūwharetoa's ancestors, Rangitu and Tangaroa, to fernroot (i.e. treating them both as food).According to the section still based in the Bay of Plenty, Te Ngako interred the bones in a hole in the trunk of a great tōtara tree, that was still alive as of 1959.[28][29] On a visit to Rotorua, Tūwharetoa slept with Rangiuru, the wife of Whakakauekaipapa, the ancestor Ngāti Whakaue, resulting in a son, Tūtānekai, who is famous for his romance with Hinemoa.
A tōtara tree.
MāoriBay of PlentyNew ZealandNgāti Tūwharetoainvaded TaupōTe ArawaMataatuaNgātoro-i-rangiRongomai-nuiŌhiwaMōtū RiverNgāitaipoi danceJohn Te Herekiekie Gracewood carverŌtamarākauTarawera RiverKawerauNgāti Tūwharetoa invasion of TaupōRunanga LakeWaikaritōtaratohungaTaringaTū-te-tawhāNgāti Te RangiitaNgāti Tūrū-makinaTe RehuManu-TongāteaRotoruaNgāti WhakaueTūtānekai