Subscapularis muscle

The subscapularis is a large triangular muscle which fills the subscapular fossa and inserts into the lesser tubercle of the humerus and the front of the capsule of the shoulder-joint.[citation needed] The subscapularis is supplied by the upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5-C6), branches of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus.[citation needed] The subscapularis stabilises the shoulder joint by contributing to the fixation of the proximal humerus during movements of the elbow, wrist, and hand.[citation needed] It is difficult to isolate the action of the subscapularis from other medial rotators of the shoulder joint; there is no satisfactory test for this muscle.Summing up it is through an external arm rotation and a medially applied 5 MHz sector sonic head possible to display the ventral part of the joint socket and its labrum with notedly lower echogenicity.THI involves the use of harmonic frequencies that originate within the tissue as a result of nonlinear wave front propagation and are not present in the incident beam.Along with higher contrast resolution it has an elevated signal-to-noise ratio and significantly reduced inter- and intraobserver variability compared with conventional US.
MRI. Partial rupture of the cranial subscapularis tendon at the insertion site
Subscapular fossaLesser tuberclehumerusArterySubscapular arteryUpper subscapular nervelower subscapular nerveActionsInternally rotates and adducts humerusshoulderAnatomical terms of musclemuscleshoulder-jointfasciascapulaglenohumeral (shoulder)joint capsuleserratus anterioraxillary borderaponeurosisteres majortriceps brachiilower subscapular nervesposterior cordbrachial plexusdisplacementGerberbicepspublic domainGray's AnatomyWayback MachineMusclesdeltoidrotator cuffsupraspinatusinfraspinatusteres minordeltoid fasciasupraspinous fasciainfraspinous fasciacompartmentsanteriorcoracobrachialisbrachialisposterioranconeusarticularis cubitiaxillary sheathaxillary fasciabrachial fascialateralmedialquadrangular spacetriangular spacetriangular intervalForearmpronator terespalmaris longusflexor carpi radialisflexor carpi ulnarisflexor digitorum superficialispronator quadratusflexor digitorum profundusflexor pollicis longusmobile wadbrachioradialisextensor carpi radialis longusbrevisextensor digitorumextensor digiti minimiextensor carpi ulnarissupinatoranatomical snuffboxabductor pollicis longusextensor pollicis brevisextensor pollicis longusextensor indicisbicipital aponeurosisextensorflexorantebrachial fasciacubital tunnelosborne's ligamentthenaropponens pollicisflexor pollicis brevisabductor pollicis brevisadductor pollicishypothenaropponens digiti minimiflexor digiti minimi brevisabductor digiti minimipalmaris brevislumbricaldorsalpalmarextensor retinaculumextensor expansionflexor retinaculumpalmar aponeurosis