
In biology, a subgenus (plural: subgenera) is a taxonomic rank directly below genus.In the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICNafp), the subgenus is one of the possible subdivisions of a genus.There is no limit to the number of divisions that are permitted within a genus by adding the prefix "sub-" or in other ways as long as no confusion can result.[2] The ICNafp requires an explicit "connecting term" to indicate the rank of the division within the genus.In zoological nomenclature, when a genus is split into subgenera, the originally described population is retained as the "nominotypical subgenus" or "nominate subgenus", which repeats the same name as the genus.
A hoverfly of the subgenus Eristalis ( Eoseristalis )
hoverflyEristalisbiologytaxonomic rankInternational Code of Zoological Nomenclaturespecies namegenericspecific epithettiger cowryInternational Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plantssectionseriesBanksia subg. IsostylisBanksialeopardRhododendron subg. RhododendronRank (botany)Rank (zoology)Taxonomic ranksRealm (vir.)Subrealm (vir.)Domain/SuperkingdomKingdomSubkingdomInfrakingdom/BranchSuperphylumSuperdivision (bot.)PhylumDivision (bot.)SubphylumSubdivisionInfraphylumMicrophylumSuperclassSubclassInfraclassSubterclassParvclassDivision (zoo.)LegionCohortMagnorderSuperorderSuborderInfraorderParvorderSection (zoo.)SuperfamilyFamilySubfamilyInfrafamilySupertribeSubtribeInfratribeSection (bot.)Series (bot.)Species complexSpeciesSubspeciesVariety (bot.)Form (bot.)