Student government president

In this role, they may make student appointments, campus-wide committees and boards, and may represent the institution to other associations or bodies.), a President is expected to gain knowledge of parliamentary procedure, and in most cases, Robert's Rules of Order.However, there are increasing instances in schools were the term length is 2 years to place a two-term limit on the longevity of the possible tenure in office.In democratic student government, the Vice President generally ascends to the position of President in the situation that the incumbent is unable to discharge his/her duties permanently, resigns, or is impeached and removed from office by a student council or senate (in a manner similar to that of the United States Government).The confirmation of a student council Vice President a simple majority vote in both houses is required.
student unionclass presidentUniversity System of GeorgiaStudent Advisory Council of GeorgiaRobert's Rules of Orderconstitutionsbylawsstudent governmentUnited States GovernmentSam BrownbackKansas State UniversityEve CarsonLarry CraigRichard NixonReince PriebusUniversity of Wisconsin–WhitewaterRonald ReaganRobert Smith VanceHillary ClintonJohn ConnallyJohn F. KennedyLamar AlexanderBruce MalochChris ChristieAndrew GillumFlorida A&M UniversityTallahasseeRamon AlexanderSarah Huckabee SandersOuachita Baptist UniversityJim SearsHalle BerryRosie O'DonnellShannen DohertyGerald FordSeattle TimesWestern Washington UniversityarrestedlynchingYik YakAmerican Student Government AssociationMassachusetts State Student Advisory CouncilSchool captainStudent councilUnion of Students in Ireland