St Bernard's College, Oxford

Founded by the Cistercian order in 1437 and dedicated to Bernard of Clairvaux, it was suppressed in Spring 1540 during the dissolution of the monasteries.[2] It was founded by Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury, under licence in mortmain for Cistercian monks, on the model of Gloucester Hall and Durham College for the southern and northern Benedictines.Nothing more than a site and building was required by way of endowment, as the student monks, who were sent there to study under a provisor, were supported by the houses of the order to which they belonged."[3] It was suppressed with the Cistercian abbeys, and, on 11 December 1546, granted to Christ Church, Oxford, which sold it to Thomas White in 1554 for St John's College.When the site passed to the crown in 1540, the Eastern range, which was to be a library with chambers below, was nearly complete but lacked its roof.
Chapel interior of St John's College, Oxford
OxfordSt Giles, Oxford OX1 3JP, UKCoordinatesBernard of Clairvauxconstituent collegeUniversity of OxfordCistercian orderdissolution of the monasteriesSt John's College, OxfordCistercianHenry ChicheleArchbishop of CanterburymortmainGloucester HallDurham CollegeBenedictinesChrist Church, OxfordThomas WhiteGabriel DonneThomas Skevingtonpublic domainLeach, Arthur FrancisChisholm, HughEncyclopædia BritannicaChancellorVice-ChancellorIrene TraceyRegistrarHeads of housesCollegesAll SoulsBalliolBrasenoseChrist ChurchCorpus ChristiExeterGreen TempletonHarris ManchesterHertfordKelloggLady Margaret HallLinacreLincolnMagdalenMansfieldMertonNew CollegeNuffieldPembrokeQueen'sReubenSt Anne'sSt Antony'sSt Catherine'sSt CrossSt Edmund HallSt Hilda'sSt Hugh'sSt John'sSt Peter'sSomervilleTrinityUniversity CollegeWadhamWolfsonWorcesterPermanent private hallsBlackfriars HallCampion HallRegent's ParkWycliffe HallDivisions and departmentsAsian and Middle Eastern StudiesAmerican InstituteClassicsHistoryLinguistics, Philology & PhoneticsMedieval and Modern LanguagesPhilosophyTheology and ReligionBiochemistryHuman GeneticsMedical SchoolPathologyPopulation HealthBiologyChemistryComputer ScienceEarth SciencesEngineering ScienceMaterialsMathematical InstitutePhysicsArchaeologyBusinessContinuing EducationEconomicsGovernmentInternational DevelopmentPolitics & International RelationsSocial Policy and InterventionAshmolean MuseumBodleian LibrariesBotanic GardenHistory of ScienceNatural HistoryPitt RiversBegbroke Science ParkBig Data InstituteIneos Oxford InstituteJenner InstituteInternet InstituteOxford-Man InstituteMartin SchoolOxford University InnovationOxford University PressRipon College CuddesdonSmith SchoolRecognised independentcentresBuddhist StudiesEnergy StudiesHebrew and Jewish StudiesHindu StudiesIslamic StudiesAustralian rules footballBoxingCricketCyclingDancesportFootballWomen'sHandballIce hockeyMountaineeringQuidditchRowingMen's LightweightWomen's LightweightCuppersThe Boat RaceWomen's Boat RaceHenley Boat RacesPolo Varsity MatchRugby League Varsity MatchRugby Union Varsity MatchUniversity Cricket MatchUniversity Golf MatchBullingdon GreenChrist Church GroundMagdalen GroundNew College GroundRoger Bannister running trackUniversity ParksCherwellThe MaysOxford UnionStudent UnionPeoplefictional collegesfictional peopleFirst women graduatesAssociation for the Education of WomenDelegacy for Women StudentsThe Oxford MagazineOxford University Gazette