Sorin Popa

Sorin Teodor Popa (born 24 March 1953) is a Romanian American mathematician working on operator algebras.[1] Popa earned his PhD from the University of Bucharest in 1983 under the supervision of Dan-Virgil Voiculescu, with thesis Studiul unor clase de subalgebre ale[1][2] He has advised 15 doctoral students at UCLA, including Adrian Ioana.[2] In 1990, Popa was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Kyoto, where he gave a talk on "Subfactors and Classifications in von Neumann algebras".[3] In 2006, he gave a plenary lecture at the ICM in Madrid on "Deformation and Rigidity for group actions and Von Neumann Algebras".
BucharestRomanian People's RepublicUniversity of BucharestVon Neumann algebrassubfactorsergodic theoryGuggenheim FellowOstrowski PrizeMoore PrizeUniversity of California, Los AngelesThesisDoctoral advisorDan-Virgil VoiculescuAdrian IoanaRomanian Americanoperator algebrasinvited speakerInternational Congress of MathematiciansMadridE. H. Moore PrizeAmerican Mathematical SocietyAnnales Scientifiques de l'École Normale SupérieureActa MathematicaAnnals of MathematicsJournal of the American Mathematical SocietyBibcodeMathematics Genealogy Project