Solar Hijri calendar

It begins on the March equinox as determined by the astronomical calculation for the Iran Standard Time meridian (52.5°E, UTC+03:30) and has years of 365 or 366 days.This is a simplification of the Jalali calendar, in which the commencement of the month is tied to the sun's passage from one zodiacal sign to the next.[citation needed] (The solar noon is calculated based on the meridian used for standard time in Iran.)The names of the days of the week are as follows: shanbeh, yekshanbeh, doshanbeh, seshanbeh, chahārshanbeh, panjshanbeh and jom'eh.[1] The present Iranian calendar was legally adopted on 31 March 1925, the last year of the Qajar era.The country does, however, celebrate Nowruz, although the official New Year's Day in Tajikistan is 1 January in the Gregorian calendar,[12] which is also the case in other non-Persian speaking Iranian or Turkic communities ranging from Eastern Europe to Western China.The name of Tajikistan's capital, Dushanbe, is taken from the Solar Hijri calendar and translates to "Monday" in Persian.[17] Birashk's technique avoids the need to determine the moment of the astronomical equinox, replacing it with a very complex leap year structure.The accuracy of the system proposed by Birashk and other recent authors, such as Zabih Behruz, has been thoroughly refuted and shown to be less precise than the traditional 33-year cycle.The epoch was carefully chosen so that the ascension of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to the throne would have happened in the round year 2500.The change lasted until 27 August 1978 CE,[e] at which time the epoch was reverted back to the Hijrah and the original year numbering was reinstated.[1] The reversion was announced on the first day of the government of Prime Minister Jafar Sharif-Emami, and referenced the fact that that 1925 law that introduced the Solar Hijri calendar was still in effect.
A Solar Hijri calendar of year 1383 SH showing the second month of Ordibehesht (thus April–May 2004; see conversion table below). The months' name comes from the Avestan word for Asha .
A Persian-language contract published in Tehran on 14 April 1910, which used Lunar Hijri calendar
Islamic calendarRumi calendarIranian calendarsSundayGregorian calendarFebruary 2Sha'abanHebrew calendarShevatCoptic calendarTobi 25BahmanBengali calendarJulian calendarsolar calendarIranian calendarMarch equinoxastronomicalIran Standard Timemeridianlunar Hijri calendarHijrahvernal equinoxMuslimssolar yearslunar monthszodiac signAfghanistanZoroastrian calendarleap yearsNowruzBalkansMongoliaAvestanJalali calendarSeptembereccentricityprecessionapsidestropical yearalgorithmsNorthern Hemispherestandard time in IranGregorianFarvardinOrdibeheshtǦwayáyKhordadǦbargoláyČungā́x̌Mordad / AmordadZmaráyShahrivarWáǵayTә́laLaṛámLindә́iMarǧúmaySalwāǧáEsfand / EspandPersian-influencedTehranIranian parliamentQajar erasidereal zodiacChinese-Uighur calendarArabicSaur RevolutionTaurusofficial calendarTalibanfirst rule from 1996 to 2001MuharramIslamic New YearTajikistanIranianTurkicDushanbeCommon EraNewcombvernal equinox yearPahlavi eraCyrus the GreatShahanshahiMohammad Reza PahlaviJafar Sharif-EmamiList of observances set by the Solar Hijri calendarArabic names of Gregorian monthsAssyrian calendarBabylonian calendarIndian calendarPre-Islamic Arabian calendarPersianromanizedPashtoKurdishIranian revolutionWayback MachineMordadEsfandAfghan calendarǦwayáy CalendarsLunisolarBuddhistChineseEthiopianLunar HijriUnix timeArmenianAssamese (Bhāshkarābda)AssyrianBaháʼíPawukonBengaliBangladeshiBerberBoranaBurmeseEarthly BranchesHeavenly StemsMinguoSolar termGermanic heathenGeorgianHebrewVikram SamvatJalaliZoroastrianIslamicTabularJapaneseJavaneseKoreanLithuanianMaithiliMalayalamMandaeanManipuri (Meitei)MelanauMizo (Lushai)MongolianNepal SambatYele SambatPunjabiNanakshahiRomanianSomaliSesothoSlavicSlavic Native FaithMacedonianTibetanTripuriVietnameseYorubaMesoamericanLong CountCalendar roundCopticEthiopian and EritreanJulianRevisedLiturgical yearEastern OrthodoxSaintsArabianTōnalpōhualliXiuhpōhualliBabylonianBulgarByzantineCappadocianCelticCulāsakarajColignyEgyptianFlorentineFrench RepublicanGermanicHaabʼTzolkʼinMuiscaPentecontadQumranRapa NuiSexagenarySovietSwedishTurkmenHoloceneProleptic GregorianProleptic JulianDarianDreamspellDiscordianReform proposalsHanke–Henry PermanentInternational FixedPositivistSymmetry454ElectronicPerpetualLeap yearNew YearRegnal nameRegnal yearYear zeroAb urbe conditaAnka yearAnno DominiAnno LucisAnno MartyrumAnno MundiBefore PresentChinese ImperialChinese MinguoEnglish and British regnal yearHijri yearHuman (Holocene)Nirayana systemSeleucidSpanishDvaparaDiscworldDungeons & DragonsMiddle-earthThe Lord of the RingsStardateStar TrekList of calendars