Slate (elections)

[1] Most student unions in the United Kingdom have the places on their executive committee elected simultaneously, but separately.Unusual among western democracies, Canada's major federal and provincial political parties do not have municipal wings.For members of a slate, this usually means not running against each other for the same office, purchasing advertising materials together and possibly agreeing to vote together on some issues if elected.Slates differ from political parties in that they are usually temporary arrangements that last for the election campaign only, and they have no annual meetings, headquarters or volunteers.Elections to the Knesset, Israel's unicameral legislature, are held under a closed-list party-list proportional representation system, which means that votes are cast for a slate of candidates running under the banner of a political party.
Newspaper illustration of a 1912 Macon County, Illinois , ballot for women which were only allowed to vote for trustees of the state university in Illinois at the time and in that state. Candidates are listed by political parties, and voters could choose to mark for a slate or for individuals.
VotingBallotsAbsentee ballotProvisional ballotSample ballotCandidatesBallot measuresWrite-in candidateElectorateTicketBallot boxCompulsory votingEarly votingElectronic votingOpen ballotPolling placePostal votingPrecinctVote centerVoting boothCountingPopular voteVoting machineElectoral systemsPlurality and majoritarian systemsFirst-past-the-post votingTwo-round systemInstant-runoff votingPlurality-at-large votingGeneral ticketUsual judgmentProportional and semi-proportional systemsSingle non-transferable voteCumulative votingBinomial systemParty-listSingle transferable votingSpare voteMixed-member systemsMixed-member proportionalAdditional member systemMixed single vote (positive vote transfer)Scorporo (negative vote transfer)Mixed ballot transferable voteAlternative Vote PlusDual-member proportionalRural–urban proportionalMajority bonus systemParallel voting (Mixed member majoritarian)Issue votingFusion votingSplit-ticket votingStraight-ticket votingTactical votingVote pairingProtest votesAbstentionDonkey voteElection boycottNone of the aboveRefused ballotSpoilt voteCoattail effectVoting advice applicationLikely voterParadox of votingPassive electioneeringVote splittingPolitical apathyVoter fatigueVoter turnoutElectoral fraudBallot harvestingBallot stuffingVoter intimidationVote buyingVoter suppressionVoter cagingElection inkSecret ballotVoter registrationEnd-to-end verifiable votingelectionsMacon County, IllinoisIllinoispolitical partypolicieselectoral collegestate legislaturesMaryland General AssemblyMaryland SenateMaryland House of DelegatesStop the Warpolitical partiesmunicipalMontrealVancouverSenateSangguniang Bayanvote straightKnessetIsraelclosed-listparty-list proportional representationprime minister