Shoucheng Zhang

Shoucheng Zhang (Chinese: 张首晟; February 15, 1963 – December 1, 2018) was a Chinese-American physicist who was the JG Jackson and CJ Wood professor of physics at Stanford University.At Stony Brook, he initially studied supergravity (and earned his Ph.D. in 1987) with his advisor Peter van Nieuwenhuizen, before turning to condensed matter on the advice of his personal hero, Nobel laureate Chen-Ning Yang.In 2007, the "quantum spin Hall effect" discovered by Zhang was named one of the "Top Ten Important Scientific Breakthroughs in the World" by Science Magazine.[2] Danhua Capital's major investors include state-owned Beijing government enterprise Zhongguancun Development Group (ZDG), which has been linked to the Chinese technology transfer program Made in China 2025.[15] In early 2000, Zhang and collaborators revitalized the field of spintronics by proposing an intrinsic spin Hall effect and relating it to geometrical phases in quantum mechanics.This proposal stimulated extensive theoretical and experimental work, and also contributed to later developments concerning the quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators more generally.
personal nameShanghaiSan Francisco, CaliforniaFudan UniversityFreie Universität BerlinStony Brook UniversityQuantum spin Hall effectTopological insulatorsField theoryquantum Hall effecthigh-temperature superconductivityEurophysics PrizeOliver Buckley PrizeDirac Medal of the ICTPPhysicsStanford UniversityDoctoral advisorPeter van NieuwenhuizenChinesecondensed matterspintronicsNational Academy of Sciencesventure capitalFree University of BerlinWest BerlinState University of New York, Stony BrookChen-Ning YangSteven KivelsonApplied PhysicsElectrical EngineeringScience MagazineThousand Talents ProgramMade in China 2025depressionBi2Se3magnetic topological insulatorsMajorana fermionsquantum anomalous HallChern–Simons formEttore MajoranaMajorana fermionantiparticleAmerican Physical SocietyAmerican Academy of Arts and SciencesGuggenheim fellowshipDirac MedalBenjamin Franklin MedalGuggenheim FellowChinese Academy of SciencesTopological field theorytime-reversal invariantBi2Te3Sb2Te3Reviews of Modern PhysicsNatureBibcodeYouTubeInternational Center for Theoretical PhysicsCiteSeerX