Shed Number 78, Sheerness Dockyard

The building was constructed at the Royal Navy Dockyard in Sheerness in 1856–60, as a store for small boats and a warehouse.The building was constructed for the Admiralty Works Department by Colonel Godfrey Thomas Green CB of the Royal Engineers (1807-1886) (formerly from the Bengal Sappers and Miners, and later Director of Admiralty Works), and William Scamp (1801-1872), with ironwork cast by Henry Grissell's Regent's Canal Ironworks.It is an unusually large example of a boat store, built using an innovative structural system, with an all-metal frame incorporating metal portal bracing.Its listing entry with Historic England states that it is "of international significance in the development of modern architecture".A frame of cast-iron H-section columns and I-section joists divides the side aisles into 7 bays along their length.
View of Shed Number 78 at Sheerness Dockyard , from the River Medway
Slip 7 at Chatham Dockyard , 1852, also a Grade I listed building designed by Colonel Godfrey T. Green RE
Sheerness DockyardRiver MedwayIsle of SheppeyRoyal Navy DockyardSheernesslisted buildingHeritage at Risk RegisterAdmiraltyRoyal EngineersBengal Sappers and MinersWilliam ScampHenry GrissellChatham Dockyardiron frameportal bracingThe Crystal PalaceSouth Kensington MuseumskyscrapersHistoric EnglandVictorian SocietyBuildings at Risk Registerwrought ironcorrugated ironI or Hwinder stair