Shai Reshef

[1] Reshef has focused his career on making higher education accessible to underserved populations globally, leveraging online platforms to provide affordable degree programs.[4] Between 2001 and 2004, Reshef chaired KIT eLearning, a company that partnered with the University of Liverpool to deliver online education.This partnership made the University of Liverpool the first institution outside of the United States to offer online degree programs.[2] The virtual institution leverages open-source technology and volunteer academic staff to significantly reduce the costs of higher education.[11][15][16] In his public speeches, Reshef emphasizes that education is a fundamental human right and argues that it should be accessible to all, regardless of geographic or financial limitations.
University of the PeopleIncumbentRotem ReshefAlma materUniversity of MichiganYidan PrizeUniversity of LiverpoolHarvard Business School OnlineNYU Abu DhabiMcGill UniversityUniversity of EdinburghGates FoundationFord FoundationHewlett FoundationFast CompanyAshoka FellowThe Huffington Posthonorary doctorateBritish Open UniversityClinton Global InitiativeWorld Economic ForumGoogleForbesThe IndependentNew York Jewish WeekThe New York TimesPR NewswireNew York UniversityHuffPostEducation World Forum