Session (Presbyterianism)

These groups of elders make decisions for the local parish through a ruling body called the Kirk session (Latin.Elders are ordained for life, so if they are subsequently elected or appointed to Sessions at later points in their lives, they are inducted, there being no second ordination.However, in a sitting body of an even number or with a quorum of the session counted, the pastor can break a tie with a casting vote.In the pastoral function, elders rarely bring issues to Session meetings, resolving them privately or with the aid of the minister or other counsellor.In executive function a number of Sessions have complete authority (under presbytery) for the ordering of all business, spiritual and temporal, of their congregation.
The "Session House" of the Edisto Island Presbyterian Church was used by the Session and for small meetings.
The Ordination of Elders in a Scottish Kirk, by John Henry Lorimer , 1891. National Gallery of Scotland
Court of SessionEdisto Island Presbyterian Churchelderspresbyterian polityReformedordainedquorumPresbyterian Church (USA)Evangelical Presbyterian Church (United States)John Henry LorimerNational Gallery of ScotlandChurch of Scotlandthe priesthood of all believersModeratorprimus inter paresGenevan ConsistoryMiller, Samuel