
The site is a medieval castle in the former Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, located in Turkey's Osmaniye Province approximately 115 kilometers east of Adana.The fortress has two separate baileys that are heavily fortified with towers and sturdy curtain walls along the eastern and southern flanks, and protected at the north and west by steep rocky cliffs.[1] This complex is characterized by an irregular plan, which is carefully adapted to the outcrop, as well as round towers, a bent entrance, and a fine rusticated ashlar masonry.After similar exchanges of ownership between 1172 and 1185, the castle was firmly the Armenian possession of the Het'umid Baron Smbat and his heirs from the 1190s until 1298.[1] At that time the Mamluks temporarily occupied Savranda and returned in 1337 to end permanently Armenian suzerainty.
ArmenianTurkishArmenian Kingdom of CiliciaAmanus PassSeljuksByzantineFirst CrusadeTancred, Prince of GalileeRaymond of Saint-GillesMamluksYılankaleLampronAnavarza CastleCastles in TurkeyAfyonkarahisar CastleAkçakoca CastleAlanya CastleAlara CastleAmasra FortressAmasya CastleAnadoluhisarıAnkara CastleArdahan CastleBabakale CastleBagras CastleBayburt CastleBelenkeşlik CastleBodrum CastleBodrumkale CastleBolaman CastleBoyabat CastleBozcaada CastleCemilli CastleÇandarlı CastleÇandır CastleÇeşme CastleDağlı CastleDiyarbakır FortressEğirdir CastleFoça CastleGaziantep CastleGömeç KulesiGözne CastleGüvercinada CastleHarput CastleHarran CastleHebilli CastleHemite CastleHisarın CastleHoşap Castleİbrahim Pasha CasematesKadifekaleKahramanmaraş CastleKaleparkKaracahisar CastleKaraman CastleKara CastleKars CastleKastamonu CastleKayseri CastleKaysunKevgürk CastleKızıl TowerKiz KulesiKızkalesiKızlar KalesiKol KalesiKoz CastleKozan CastleKuzucubelen CastleLoulonMamure CastleMancınık CastleMardin CastleMarmaris CastleMeydan CastleMeydancık CastleMut CastleNamrun CastlePertek CastleRiva CastleRize CastleRoche-GuillaumeRumelihisariRumkaleSamsun CastleSilifke CastleSinap CastleSinop FortressSofta CastleŞanlıurfa CastleŞavşat CastleŞeytan CastleŞile CastleTece CastleTekkadın CastleTokat CastleTokmar CastleToprakkaleTrabzon CastleTrapessacTurbesselYaka CastleVan CastleYedikule FortressYelbiz CastleYeniyurt CastleYoros CastleZerzevan CastleZilkale