Servant × Service
The story revolves around the daily lives of civil servants in a government office building in the fictional city of Mitsuba, Hokkaido.Being a civil servant is not an easy job due to dealing with many angry citizens, facing different challenges, and having to put up with wacky co-workers each day.Newcomers Hasebe Yutaka, Yamagami, Miyoshi Saya, and their supervisor Ichimiya Taishi go through the everyday quirks of working at their office.[12] He was critical of the unfunny comedy and slow pacing of its consequence-free storylines resulting in the show being "boring and pointless" at various points, but was commendable towards the female cast having "enough personality" and cuteness during their relationships to give viewers a "benign and charming" experience and gave credit to the humor for not being obnoxious and "a little ambitious for a gag strip" adaptation, concluding that: "It's never a regrettable viewing experience, but it's got forgettable stored up in bulk."[12] Nicole MacLean, writing for THEM Anime Reviews, felt the series lacked enough witticism and over-the-top characters to deliver its "tentative humor" and go beyond the "mundane nature of its setting", concluding that: "I really wanted to like this show, but it's honestly a bit boring.