Second Vynnychenko government

Many ministers picked by Doroshenko were left at their positions, while other ministries were filled by Social-Democrats.Designation of the government portfolios by parties (in parentheses - after the III Universal on November 20): Note:in red are members that were prosecuted for representing the Ukrainian government.Being a member of the Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionaries, he was elected to the Secretariat as a representative of the Peasant Association.Until then Savchenko worked as an agronomist near Borzna (Chernigov Governorate).After the Secretariat was reorganized as the Council of Ministers the deputy-secretaries received their own ministerial assignments.
General Secretariat of UkraineVolodymyr VynnychenkoDmytro DoroshenkoRussian Provisional GovernmentUkrainian Social Democratic Labour PartyUkrainian Party of Socialists-FederalistsUkrainian Socialist-Revolutionary PartyUkrainian Party of Socialists-IndependistsRussian SRGeneral Jewish Labour BundUnited Jewish Socialist Workers PartyLabour Popular Socialist PartyOleksander LototskyMikhail Tugan-BaranovskyOleksandr ShulhynIvan SteshenkoPetro StebnytskyAleksandr ZarubinAleksandr ZolotarevJewish BundagronomistChernigov GovernorateZemstvoSymon PetliuraMykola PorshDmytro AntonovychVsevolod HolubovychMykhailo TkachenkoMoishe ZilberfarbMieczysław MickiewiczDmitriy OdinetsAll Cabinets of UkraineUkrainianPeople's RepublicVynnychenko ILyzohubUkrainian SSRPeople's SecretariatProvisional Workers' and Peasants' GovernmentRakovsky IRevolutionary CommitteeLyashko IUkraineKuchmaMasol IIMarchukPustovoitenkoYushchenkoKinakhYanukovych ITymoshenko IYekhanurovYanukovych IITymoshenko IIAzarov IAzarov IIYatsenyuk IYatsenyuk IIGroysmanHoncharukShmyhalActing