Schleswig-Holstein Football Association

The Schleswig-Holstein Football Association (German: Schleswig-Holsteinischer Fussball-Verband), the SHFV, is one of 21 state organisations of the German Football Association, the DFB, and covers most parts of the state of Schleswig-Holstein.[1] The SHFV is also part of the Northern German Football Association, one of five regional federations in Germany.The other members of the regional association are the Bremen Football Association, the Hamburg Football Association and the Lower Saxony Football Association.[1] In 2017, the SHFV had 184,551 members, 585 member clubs and 5,046 teams playing in its league system.[2]
DFB, its five regional and 21 state associations
Schleswig-HolsteinPresidentGerman Football AssociationGermanNorthern German Football AssociationGermanyBremen Football AssociationHamburg Football AssociationLower Saxony Football AssociationBremenHamburgLower SaxonyNortheastBrandenburgBerlinMecklenburg-Western PomeraniaSaxonySaxony-AnhaltThuringiaLower RhineMiddle RhineWestphaliaSouthwestRhinelandSaarlandBavariaSouth BadenWürttembergNational leaguesBundesliga2. Bundesliga3. LigaRegionalliga NordOberliga Schleswig-HolsteinLandesligaSchleswigHolsteinVerbandsligaKreisligaCup competitionSchleswig-Holstein CupNorthern GermanyGauliga NordmarkOberliga Nord2. Bundesliga NorthOberliga Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein