Padre Herminigildo Milgar founded the town on August 17, 1598, which was named after Hyacinth of Poland, canonized on April 17, 1594, by Pope Clement VIII.Oppeln), Upper Silesia – d. 15 August 1257) was a Doctor of Sacred Studies and a secular priest, he worked to reform women's monasteries in his native Poland.4th District Rep. Gina de Venecia initiated the Bayong and Corn–Husk Development Project fashioning these waste products into luxurious bags & baskets, and moccasins.From Manila, you can reach San Jacinto, Pangasinan in 2 hours and 36 minutes without traffic via North Luzon Expressway in the distance of 204 km.The town Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) granted resident trainings on Basic Bayong Weaving; Dyeing Raw Materials, Skills Upgrading, and Intensive Product Design & Innovations.