Rombertus van Uylenburgh

He married Siuckien Ulckedr Aessinga (or Sjoukje Osinga) and probably had three sons and four daughters: Jeltje, Romke, Ulke, Antje, Edzert, Hiskje (= Hiskia) and Saakje (= Saskia).At the end of the meal, William of Orange stumbled on the stair, and was then murdered with a pistol by Balthasar Gerards.The bishop Morillon wrote "Je le tiens mentir de ce qu' auroit dit ledict Orangier estant féru, puisqu' il advint après boire, lorsqu' il estoit tousiours raoust."Until 1591 Uylenburgh rose as a state lawyer (landsadvocaat), but was forced — because of the variety of positions he held — to give up that post.Two sons became lawyers, one son-in-law was the Polish theological professor Johannes Maccovius, and the other was Gerrit van Loo, municipal secretary in Het Bildt, the place where Rembrandt and Saskia married in 1634.
Saskia van UylenburghRembrandtUniversity of FranekerMennonitismKrakówHendrick van UylenburghBergumCatholic University of LeuvenHeidelbergpensionarisFrieslandthe HagueWilliam of OrangeBalthasar GerardsCornelis van AarsensRijperkerkGaasterlandJohannes MaccoviusHet BildtLeeuwarden