Polypodium virginianum

Polypodium virginianum, commonly known as rock polypody, rock cap fern, or common polypody, is a small evergreen species of fern native to the Eastern United States and Canada.Large, circular sori are prominently featured on the underside of fertile fronds in late summer and autumn.[2] This species is an allotetraploid of hybrid origin, the parents being Polypodium appalachianum and P. sibiricum.Polypodium virginianum typically grows on boulders, cliffs, and rocky slopes and does not need well-developed soil.It is common throughout eastern North America; its native distribution ranges from Newfoundland to Yukon south to Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas.
Conservation statusNatureServeScientific classificationPlantaeTracheophytesPolypodiophytaPolypodiopsidaPolypodialesPolypodiineaePolypodiaceaePolypodiumBinomial nameSynonymsevergreenEastern United StatesCanadarhizomatouspetiolespinnatifidfrondsSporangiaPolypodium vulgarePolypodium appalachianumNewfoundlandGeorgiaAlabamaArkansasUniversity of Iowa PressWikidataWikispeciesiNaturalistMoBotPFOpen Tree of LifePlant ListTropicos