Rock and Rye

[3] As early as 1914, United States government publications discuss disputes regarding beverages labeled "rock and rye", including a case of a beverage so marketed which was found by the Bureau of Chemistry to consist of "water, sugar, glucose, and artificial coloring matters, sold in imitation of a rock and rye cordial".[4] Among non-alcoholic beverages, Rock and Rye continues to be a popular flavor of the Faygo brand of soda pop.In the film National Lampoon's Animal House, Boon (Peter Riegert) orders a "double Rock and Rye and seven “Carlings" at a bar.It seems that Good Time Charley always keeps a stock of rock candy and rye whisky on hand for touches of the grippe, and he gives me a few doses immediately, and in fact Charley takes a few doses with me, as he says there is no telling but what I am scattering germs of my touch of the grippe all around the joint, and he must safeguard his health.”In the 1974 film (set in 1928) The Front Page, the day he resigned/the evening before he is set to get married and move to Philadelphia, Chicago newspaper reporter Hildy Johnson (played by Jack Lemmon) shows up in The Press Room of the Criminal Courts Building in Chicago with multiple bottles of liquor to share with his fellow journalists.His replacement, Rudy Keppler (played by Jon Korkes) is asked to join them and responds by requesting, "Rock and Rye please."
bottled liqueurmixed cocktailrye whiskeyrock candyBureau of ChemistryNational Lampoon's Animal HousePeter RiegertCarlingsThe Grateful DeadDamon RunyonThe Front PageJack LemmonJon Korkes