The Dispatch / The Rock Island Argus
After a seven-month strike, on July 9, bombs went off beneath the cars of two Argus employees, destroying property and slightly injuring an infant.[8] The Daily Dispatch was purchased by Len H. Small on February 28, 1969,[8] and the newspaper then started the conversion from the “hot metal” method of composition to computerized photocomposition.This made the Dispatch and Argus sister publications to Lee's flagship title, the Quad-City Times, which has long been the major newspaper on the Iowa side of the Quad Cities.[2][10] From 1986 through 2007, a weekly total market coverage newspaper called The Leader circulated in Scott County, Iowa, location of Davenport.Distributed on Thursdays, the newspaper contained re-printed content from the Dispatch and Argus, plus exclusive features and hard news stories from Davenport and the Iowa side of the Quad Cities.