Robert Spekkens

Robert W. Spekkens is a Canadian theoretical quantum physicist working in the fields of quantum foundations and quantum information.[12][13] He co-edited the book Quantum Theory: Informational Foundations and Foils.[14] Spekkens is a faculty member and the leader of the quantum causal inference initiative at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.[15][16] He regularly teaches the course on quantum foundations in the Perimeter Scholars International master's program.[17][18] He is an adjunct faculty in the Department of Physics of the University of Waterloo[19] and an adjunct research fellow in the Centre for Quantum Dynamics of Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia.
McGill UniversityUniversity of TorontoSpekkens toy modelquantum contextualityPhysicistPerimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsUniversity of CambridgeUniversity of WaterlooGriffith Universitytheoreticalquantum physicistquantum foundationsquantum informationepistemic viewquantum statescausalityBibcode