Military reserve force

During peacetime, reservists typically serve part-time alongside a civilian job, although most reserve forces have a significant permanent full-time component as well.In countries with conscription, such as Switzerland and Finland, reserve forces are citizens who have completed active duty military service but have not reached the upper age limit established by law.For example, the half-pay system in the British Army provided the country with trained, experienced officers not on active duty during peacetime but available during wartime.Although contemporaries debated the effectiveness of the British militia, its mobilization in several conflicts increased Britain's strategic options by freeing regular forces for overseas theaters.On 9 July 1807, in the Treaties of Tilsit, Napoleon forced Prussia to drastically reduce its military strength and cede large amounts of territory.The Krumpersystem, introduced to the Prussian Army by military reformer Gerhard von Scharnhorst, gave recruits a brief period of training which could be expanded during wartime.Reservists can provide garrison duty, manning air defense, internal security and guarding of important points such as supply depots, prisoner of war camps, communications nodes, air and sea bases and other vital areas, freeing regular troops for service on the front.In countries with a volunteer army, reserve enlisted personnel are soldiers, sailors, and airmen who have signed contracts to perform military service on a part-time basis.In countries with conscription, reserve enlisted personnel are soldiers, sailors, and airmen who are not on active duty and have not reached the upper age limit established by law.Reserve soldiers, sailors, and airmen are subject to mandatory short-term military training in peacetime, as regulated by law.Reserve enlisted personnel are not on active duty, have not signed a contract to perform military service as reservists, and have not reached the upper age limit.Reserve non-commissioned officers are not on active duty, have not signed a contract to perform military service as reservists, and have not reached the upper age limit.In countries with conscription, reserve warrant officers are military personnel with the relevant rank who are not on active duty and have not reached the upper age limit.The skills of reservists have been valuable in peacekeeping because they can be employed for the reconstruction of infrastructure, and tend to have better relations with the civilian population than career soldiers.Reservists who combine a military and civilian career, such as members of the United Kingdom's Army Reserve, experience time demands not experienced by regular troops which affect their availability and length of service.
Painting of a large group of soldiers
Painting of reservists responding to the call at the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War (1870)
Large group of soldiers with right hands raised, seen from behind
Finnish conscripts swearing their military oath
A tired-looking soldier in full uniform, running with a gun during a competition
U.S. Army Reserve private first class during the 2015 Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition at Fort Bragg
Soldier speaking into a headset
Irish Army Reserve non-commissioned officer leading a tactical exercise
A soldier shades his eyes next to a vehicle
A Canadian Army Reserve warrant officer during Warrior Exercise (WAREX) in 2014
A British soldier in front of a tank
A British Army Reserve lieutenant colonel during a training exercise at Lulworth Cove in Dorset
military reservemilitary reservationNational GuardTerritorial Army of BelarusoutlineHistoryPrehistoricAncientPost-classicalCastlesEarly modernMilitary revolutionPike and shotNapoleonic warfareLate modernIndustrial warfareFourth-gen warfareMilitaryOrganizationCommand and controlDefense ministryAir forceMarinesCoast guardSpace forceEngineersMedicalPoliceDivingInfantryCavalryArtillerySpecial forcesSignal corpsWarshipsSubmarinesAircraft carriersLanding craftAuxiliary shipsFightersBombersCommandClose air supportElectronic-warfareReconnaissanceFire-control systemFire-control radarDirector (military)Combat information centerShip gun fire-controlGun data computerTorpedo data computerBasic trainingMilitary manoeuvrersCombat trainingBattlespaceAerospaceAerialAirborneCold-regionDesertFortificationJungleMountainSubterraneanTunnelAmphibiousSurfaceUnderwaterSeabedInformationWeaponsAir defenceBarrageBiologicalCamouflageHorsesChemicalCombined armsConventionalDenialDisinformationElectromagneticLoiteringMissileNuclearPsychologicalRadiologicalSubmarineUnconventionalTacticsList of military tacticsAirliftAir assaultAirbridgeAirdropAnti-aircraftAnti-subAnti-tankBattleChargeCounterattackCounterinsurgencyConvoyDefeat in detailFoxholeEnvelopmentFormationGuerrillaRapid dominanceEncirclementInvestmentScreenTactical objectiveTarget saturationTrenchWithdrawalOperationalMilitary operationSpecialOperations researchBlitzkriegExpeditionaryDeep operationManeuverOperational manoeuvre groupCovertStay-behindStrategyList of military strategies and conceptsMilitary campaignAnti-accessAttritionCommerce raidingCounter-offensiveCulminatingDefence in depthFabianEmpty fortMosaicDeceptionDefensiveOffensiveScorched earthGrand strategyAsymmetricBlockadeBroken-backedCold warColonialConquestContainmentDivide and conquerEconomicEndemicFleet in beingIrregularLiberationLimitedNetwork-centricNew generationPerpetualPoliticalPrincelyReligiousResourceStrategicSuccessionTechnologyTheaterTotal warWorld warAdministrativeBranchPolicyTrainingServiceSociologyArea of responsibilityChain of commandDoctrineOrder of battlePrinciples of warEconomy of forceMedicineIntelligenceTechnology and equipmentPersonnelRecruitmentConscriptionMobilizationSpecialismSoldierMoraleVolunteerChildrenTransgenderHarassmentConscientious objectorCounter-recruitmentLogisticsWar economyArms industryMaterielSupply-chain managementMilitary–industrial complexOutpostSciencePower projectionLoss-of-strength gradientLanchester's lawsForce multiplicationOccupationArmisticeCeasefireCourt-martialDesertionGeneva ConventionsGeneva ProtocolIslamic rulesJusticeLawfulUnlawful combatantPerfidyRegularJewish laws on warRules of engagementMartial lawWar crimeWar treasonTheoryAir supremacyAppeasementCommand of the seaDeterrence theoryFull-spectrum dominanceOvermatchJust war theoryPhilosophy of warSecurity dilemmaTripwire forceWargamingSimulationExercisesCombat effectivenessCenter of gravityNon-warfareArms controlCounter-insurgencyDeterrenceDisaster responseGrey-zoneGunboat diplomacyHumanitarian aidLaw enforcementLow-intensity conflictMilitary engineeringPeacekeepingPeacebuildingPeace through strengthShow of forceCultureAwards and decorationsBattle cryWarriorWar filmMilitary science fictionWar novelAnti-war movementFoot drillWar songUniformWargameMilitarizationMilitarismCamp followerSeven Military ClassicsThe Art of WarDe re militariStrategemataWomen in warWar resisterWar studiesHorses in warfareWartime sexual violenceFifth columnMercenaryPrivateerPrivate military companyBattlesMilitary occupationsMilitary termsOperationsSiegesWar crimesWritersreservistsunder armsvolunteer militaryArmy Reservemilitiahome guardstate guardUnited States National GuardNorwegianSwedishDanish Home Guardnational serviceactive dutyFranco-Prussian WarMilitia Act 1757British militiaPrussianBattle of Jena–AuerstedtTreaties of TilsitNapoleonPrussian ArmyGerhard von ScharnhorstImperial German ArmyFirst World WarGerman EmpireFinnish conscriptsconscriptsofficersrefresher exercisesarmed forcesnational policegarrisonair defenseinternal securitysupply depotsprisoner of warU.S. Army Reserveprivate first classFort Braggenlisted personnelIrish Army Reservenon-commissioned officersenlisted rankwarrant officerwarrant officersBritish Army Reservelieutenant colonelLulworth Coveofficer's commissionhigher educationReserve Officers' Training CorpsDirect commissionFinnishUkrainianBelarusianRussianUkrainian Territorial Defense Forces2022 Russian invasion of Ukraineregular armyRoyal Australian Naval ReserveAustralian Army ReserveRoyal Australian Air Force ReserveBrazilian Military PoliceMilitary Firefighters CorpsPrimary ReserveCanadian Forces Naval ReserveCanadian Forces Air ReserveCanadian Forces Supplementary ReserveCanadian RangersCadet Organizations Administration and Training ServiceCanadian Cadet OrganizationsJunior Canadian RangersChinese Paramilitary ForcesEstonian Defence LeagueTerritorial ForcesMilitary reserve forces of FranceNational Guard (France)Indonesian National Armed Forces Reserve ComponentTerritorial ArmyReserve Defence ForcesNaval Service ReserveIsrael Defense Forces Reserve ServiceItalian ArmyItalian NavyItalian Air ForceCarabinieriLatvian National GuardNational Defence Volunteer ForcesRejimen Askar WataniahNational Reserve CorpsRoyal New Zealand Naval Volunteer ReserveNorwegian Home GuardCivil Armed ForcesArmed Forces of the Philippines Reserve CommandArmy Reserve Command, PAAir Reserve Command, PAFNaval Reserve Command, PNPhilippine Coast Guard AuxiliaryTerritorial Defence ForceSouth African National Defence ForceSouth African ArmySouth African Air ForceSouth African NavySouth African Military Health ServiceRepublic of Korea Reserve ForcesReserve FrontReserve of the Supreme High CommandVoluntary ReservistSri Lanka Army Volunteer ForceSri Lanka National GuardSri Lanka Volunteer Naval ForceSri Lanka Volunteer Air ForceSwedish Home GuardSwiss ReserveRepublic of China Armed Forces ReserveStudent Army Reserve ForceRoyal Naval ReserveUniversity Royal Naval UnitRoyal Marines ReserveOfficers' Training CorpsRoyal Auxiliary Air ForceRoyal Air Force Volunteer ReserveUniversity Air SquadronRegular ReserveRoyal Fleet AuxiliaryMobile Meteorological UnitTerritorial Defense ForcesReserve components of the United States Armed ForcesUnited States Army ReserveUnited States Air Force ReserveUnited States Marine Corps ReserveUnited States Navy ReserveUnited States Coast Guard ReserveNational Guard of the United StatesArmy National Guard of the United StatesAir National Guard of the United StatesTerritorial DefenseState defense forceMaritime militiaWayback MachineMinister of Defencenational defencepeace-keepingArmed Forces & SocietyOccupational rolesSailorAirmanOfficerCommanding officerExecutive officerUniformsBy countryHighestAirborne forcesCommandoFrogmanCommunicationsMilitary policeGendarmerieSecurity forcesBorder guardMilitary maneuversBranchesCombat armsSpecial reconnaissanceLittoralPatrolAuxiliary shipUnified combatant commandGeneral staffArmy groupField armyDivisionBrigadeRegimentBattalionPlatoonNaval fleetCarrier strike groupFlotillaSquadronCombat boxBattle Fleet; U.S. NavyFront; Russian land forcesGroundCombatInfantry fighting vehicleArmored carScout carGun truckSelf-propelled artilleryBatteryField gunHowitzerRocketInfantry gunsPistolsMachine gunsService riflesBattle riflesAssault rifleSniper rifleBazookaAnti-tank gunGrenadeFlamethrowerBayonetCombat knifeMissilesShoulder-firedMortarLand mineShellsGuided missilesNaval artilleryAnti-ship missilesTorpedoesDepth chargesClose-in weaponsMilitary equipmentHelmetBody armorMilitary baseField hospitalWarfareMilitary scienceDiplomacyInternational lawindustrialfourth-genArmoured warfareElectronicLawfareSwarmingAlliancesPeace treatyCooperationUnited NationsMediationDefense budgetDefense policyGovernmentNationMilitary tacticsPeace and conflict studiesPeace movementPeace processDisarmamentPacifismDétenteGlobal studiesIdealism in international relationsHumanitarianismInternational cooperationCrimes against humanity