Religious congregation

Jus novum (c. 1140-1563) Jus novissimum (c. 1563-1918) Jus codicis (1918-present) Other Sacraments Sacramentals Sacred places Sacred times Supra-diocesan/eparchal structures Particular churches Juridic persons Philosophy, theology, and fundamental theory of Catholic canon law Clerics Office Juridic and physical persons Associations of the faithful Pars dynamica (trial procedure) Canonization Election of the Roman Pontiff Academic degrees Journals and Professional Societies Faculties of canon law Canonists Institute of consecrated life Society of apostolic life A religious congregation is a type of religious institute in the Catholic Church.[1] Their lives were oriented not to the ancient monastic way of life, but more to social service and to evangelization, both in Europe and in mission areas.Their number increased further in the upheavals brought by the French Revolution and subsequent Napoleonic invasions of other Catholic countries, depriving thousands of monks and nuns of the income that their communities held because of inheritances and forcing them to find a new way of living their religious life.Towards the end of the Second Vatican Council, superiors general of clerical institutes and abbots president of monastic congregations were authorized to permit, for a just cause, their subjects of simple vows who made a reasonable request to renounce their property except for what would be required for their sustenance if they were to depart, thus assimilating their position to that of religious with solemn vows.[11] The Annuario Pontificio lists for both men and women the institutes of consecrated life and the like that are of pontifical right, namely those that the Holy See has erected or approved by formal decree.
CongregationCanon law of theCatholic Church1983 Code of Canon LawOmnium in mentemMagnum principiumCode of Canons of the Eastern ChurchesAd tuendam fidemEx corde EcclesiaeIndulgentiarum DoctrinaPraedicate evangeliumVeritatis gaudiumCustomMatrimonial nullity trial reforms of Pope FrancisSecond Vatican CouncilChristus DominusLumen gentiumOptatam totiusOrientalium ecclesiarumPresbyterorum ordinisSacrosanctum conciliumPrecepts of the ChurchLegal historyJus antiquumAncient Church OrdersDidacheThe Apostolic ConstitutionsCanons of the ApostlesCollections of ancient canonsCollectiones canonum DionysianaeCollectio canonum quadripartitaCollectio canonum QuesnellianaCollectio canonum WigorniensisGelasian DecreeSymmachian forgeriesPseudo-Isidorian DecretalsDonation of ConstantineGregorian ReformLay investiture controversyDictatus papaeLibertas ecclesiaePlenitudo potestatisCorpus Juris CanoniciDecretum GratianiDecretistCanon EpiscopiMargaritaeJus communeDecretals of Gregory IXDecretalistExtravagantesLiber SeptimusCouncil of TrentBenedictus DeusTametsiApostolicae Sedis moderationi1917 Code of Canon LawEcclesiae SanctaeContractum triniusPapal judge-delegateRight of optionEastern lawEastern Canonical Reforms of Pius XIINomocanonEparchyOrdinariate for Eastern Catholic faithfulProtosyncellusGeneral Roman CalendarRanking of liturgical days in the Roman RiteGeneral Instruction of the Roman MissalCode of RubricsMysterii PaschalisMusicam sacramScripturarum thesaurusLiturgiam authenticamQuattuor abhinc annosEcclesia DeiSummorum PontificumTraditionis custodesRed MassHoly day of obligationSacramental lawCommunicatio in sacrisEx opere operatoValidity and liceitySacramentsHoly OrdersImpediment (Catholic canon law)AbstemiusDefect of birthObligation of celibacyNullity of Sacred OrdinationApostolicae curaeDimissorial lettersApprobation (Catholic canon law)ConfessionPenitential canonsPaenitentiale TheodoriSeal of the ConfessionalInternal and external forumNote on the importance of the internal forum and the inviolability of the Sacramental SealApostolic PenitentiaryCanon penitentiaryComplicit absolutionSacramentum PoenitentiaeEucharistCanon 915CelebretMass stipendIndulgenceAltarsMajor basilicaMinor basilicaFeast daysFast days and abstinencePaeniteminiMatrimonial lawNe TemereDeclaration of NullityDignitas connubiiVetitumDefender of the BondImpediments to MarriageAffinityClandestinityImpediment of crimeDisparity of cultLigamenPublic proprietyMatrimonial dispensationRatum sed non consummatumSanatio in radiceNatural marriagePauline privilegePetrine privilegeparticularchurchesRoman PontiffCollege of BishopsCollege of CardinalsConference of bishopsSynod of BishopsParticular churchessui jurisLatin ChurchEastern Catholic ChurchesAppointment of bishopsAbbacy nulliusApostolic vicariateApostolic vicarApostolic administrationApostolic administratorDiocese/ArchdioceseAeque principaliterCathedraticumIn persona episcopiDiocesan CuriaModerator of the CuriaDeaneryVicar foraneMilitary ordinariateMission sui jurisPersonal ordinariateAnglicanorum CoetibusJuridic personsParishTeam of priests in solidumCollegiate churchParish registerLay trusteeismRoman CuriaDicasteryPontifical councilPersonal prelatureTypes of membership of Opus DeiAssociation of the Christian faithfulVicar generalQuinquennial visit ad liminaJurisprudenceCanonical coronationCanonically crowned imagesComputation of timeDelegata potestas non potest delegariDerogationDispensationTaxa InnocentianaFacultyIndultImpedimentDonationInterpretationPontifical Council for Legislative TextsJurisdictionPeritusObreption & subreptionObrogationPromulgationResignation of the Roman PontiffSede vacanteVacatio legisVisitationApostolic visitorPhilosophy, theology, and fundamental theory of Catholic canon lawTheologyEcclesiologyTreatise on LawDeterminatioContract lawStole feeTemporalitiesPerson (Catholic canon law)Formal act of defection from the Catholic ChurchCanonical ageEmancipationExemptionHeresySecular clergyRegular clergyClerics and public officeIncardination and excardinationLaicization (dispensation)Canonical facultiesCanonical provisionCanonical electionJuridic and physical personsJus patronatusAssociations of the faithfulConsecrated lifeActa Apostolicae SedisActa Sanctae SedisCensor librorumImprimaturImprimi potestNotaryProtonotary apostolicApostolic constitutionConcordatDecreeDecretalEncyclicalMotu proprioPapal briefPapal bullPenitentialPositive lawRescriptEcclesiastical LatinCanon 1324Canon 1397 §2Censure (Catholic canon law)De delictis gravioribusCrimen sollicitationisExcommunicationList of excommunicable offences in the Catholic ChurchList of people excommunicated by the Catholic ChurchList of cardinals excommunicated by the Catholic ChurchInterdictLaicization (penal)Latae sententiae and ferendae sententiaeLifetime of prayer and penanceCanonical admonitionsEcclesiastical prisonSupreme Tribunal of the Apostolic SignaturaTribunal of the Roman RotaCongregation for the Doctrine of the FaithJudicial VicarAuditorProcuratorAppeal as from an abusePresumptionVos estis lux mundiCongregation for the Causes of SaintsMaiorem hac dilectionemAdvocatus DiaboliOblatio vitaePositioBeatification and canonization process in 1914Universi Dominici gregisPapal renunciationReforms of Pope Benedict XVICum proximeJus exclusivaePapal appointmentAeterni Patris FiliusRomano Pontifici eligendoIngravescentem aetatemUbi periculumQuia propterList of legal abbreviationsLicentiate of Canon LawDoctor of Canon LawDoctor of both lawsCanon Law Society of AmericaThe JuristSchool of Canon LawGratianHostiensisJean LemoineRaymond of PenyafortRufinusJohannes TeutonicusGeoffrey of TraniBurchard of WormsBrocardEugenio CoreccoJohn D. FarisPietro GasparriLadislas OrsyEdward N. PetersSolemn vowExclaustrationManifestation of ConscienceCanonical erection of a house of religiousPontifical rightDiocesan rightCongregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic LifeInstitute of consecrated lifeReligious instituteCanons regularMendicant ordersClerics regularSecular instituteCum SanctissimusPrimo FeliciterProvida Mater EcclesiaSociety of apostolic lifeDecretum laudisCatholic Churchreligious orderssimple vowssolemn vowsApostolic SeePope Boniface VIIIBethlehem BrothersPope Leo XtertiariesenclosurePope Pius Vsocial serviceevangelizationEuropeFrench RevolutionNapoleonicreligiousPope Leo XIIIAnnuario PontificioConsecrated life (Catholic Church)Catholic religious orderList of religious institutesWayback MachineConsecrated virginHermitOrdersMonasticCenobiticChapterEnclosedIdiorrhythmicMendicantsSecond ordersCleric regularEvangelical counselsPovertyChastityObedienceProfessionVow of silenceVow of enclosureMonasteryChapter houseCloisterConventDoubleHermitagePrioryRefectoryScriptoriumPrayerContemplationLiturgy of the HoursMeditationMysticismRosaryClerical clothingCornetteScapularVestmentMembersSuperiorGeneralProvincialAbbessPrioressGrand masterRectorBrotherBasilianSisterAnchoriteNoviceMasterOblatePostulantLay brotherPorterFoolishness for ChristTonsureVocational discernmentMonastic cell