Rahel Straus

After marrying her childhood friend, the lawyer Elias Straus (1878–1933), she moved with him to Munich where she opened a medical practice and became an important figure in support of Zionism and the League of Jewish Women.She contributed articles to Jewish journals and edited Blätter des Jüdischen Frauenbundes für Frauenarbeit und Frauenbewegung.Their Munich home became a meeting point for the Jewish elite including Albert Einstein, Martin Buber and Judah Leon Magnes.After the establishment of the state of Israel, her efforts extended to training young female immigrants, distributing clothing to the needy and creating a workshop for rehabilitating handicapped women.In 1952 she helped to establish the Israeli branch of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, remaining an active honorary member for the rest of her life.
KarlsruheGermanyJerusalemIsraelHeidelberg UniversityMunichZionismLeague of Jewish WomenWomen's International League for Peace and FreedomgymnasiumWomen's International Zionist OrganizationAlbert EinsteinMartin BuberJudah Leon MagnesWomen in JudaismIn the BibleEarly modern periodIn the HolocaustIn IsraelGender and Jewish studiesMatrilineality in JudaismBat-KohenBat LeviJewish Women's Congress1902 Kosher Meat Boycott1904 New York City Rent Strike1906 Tonsil Riots1907 New York City Rent Strike1909 Shirtwaist StrikeWorld Congress of Jewish WomenWomen's Torah ProjectWomen's Siyum HaShasJewish feminismOrthodoxIsraeliMizrahiZeved habat / Simchat batBar and bat mitzvahFor adultsGirls' Day (Chag habanot)MarriageMatchmakingMarriage contractMarital harmonyHead coveringHomemakerRitual purityRitual immersionDivorceAgunahGender separationTzniutNegiahYichudAbortionBirth controlSexualityHomosexualityTkhineTseno UrenoPartnership minyanTefillin BarbieMidrashaMechitzaCourt of the WomenRebbetzinRabbis and Torah scholarsTimelineYoetzet halachaToanot RabniyotScribeCantorFirzogerinAminadavBat KolB'not EshChochmat NashimHadassahHadranHaifa Women's CoalitionIsrael Women's NetworkWomen Artists' CircleKohenet InstituteKolechMaharatMa'yanN'shei ChabadNa'amatNivcharotPhilomath ClubPi Alpha TauUnion of Jewish WomenCantors NetworkWomen of Reform JudaismWomen's Rabbinic NetworkWomen's SpiritVocolotClara de Hirsch HomeDi Vilde ChayesLeague of Jewish Women (Germany)Jewish League for Woman Suffrage (UK)Women's Orchestra of AuschwitzHadassah MagazineLilithThe American JewessRachel's TombTomb of the Matriarchs