RAF Weston-on-the-Green

RAF Weston-on-the-Green is a Royal Air Force station that was redeveloped after the Great War period.The former RFC Officers and Sergeant's messes are located on the opposite side of the road, and are now in commercial use.The grass airfield at Weston is used as a drop zone (DZ) for static line and free-fall parachute training by the Airborne Delivery Wing at nearby RAF Brize Norton and the wider British Armed Forces.The airfield was used for the launch of the first modern hot air balloon in the UK in 1967, called the Bristol Belle.The club uses the hangar in the northern side of the airfield, however the launch point varies according to the wind.
RAF Brize NortonBicesterMilitary Parachute Drop ZoneMinistry of DefenceRoyal Air ForceNo. 2 Group (Air Combat Support)Weston-on-the-GreenAirborne Delivery WingBritish Armed ForcesBristol Belledrop zoneparachuteSkyvanA400M AtlasOxford Gliding ClubSchleicher ASK 13Schleicher ASK 21Grob AstirDG-505Slingsby T.21Glaser-Dirks DG-500Schleicher K 8No. 2 Squadron RAFArmstrong Whitworth FK.8No. 18 Squadron RAFNo. 90 Squadron RAFBristol BlenheimNo. 15 Flying Training School RAFNo. 130 Gliding School RAFSlingsby CadetRAF BicesterList of Royal Air Force stationsFlyPast