RAF Newmarket

The RAF station was actually a grass-strip on Newmarket's Rowley Mile Racecourse.[1] The grass strip is still used by light aircraft today.In July and August 1942, ground running and taxiing tests were carried out at RAF Newmarket with a prototype of the new Gloster Meteor jet fighter.[4] In the 1950s-60s a new camp appeared under the name RAF Newmarket on the Dullingham Road.This was a Communications Unit under RAF Signals Command and contained Eastern Communications Centre (Commcen Eastern) and North Eastern Communications Centre (Commcen North East) and staffed mainly by National Service and Regular Personnel.
DG202/G , the prototype Gloster Meteor tested at RAF Newmarket, on display at the Royal Air Force Museum London in 2011.
NewmarketSuffolkLuftwaffeRoyal Air Force stationAir MinistryRoyal Air ForceRAF Bomber CommandEuropean theatre of World War IIstationEnglandCambridgeshireGloster MeteorRoyal Air Force Museum LondonNewmarket'sRowley Mile RacecourseprototypeRAF MildenhallNo. 3 Group RAFRAF Signals CommandNo. 2 Squadron RAFNorth American Mustang INo. 75 (New Zealand) Squadron RAFShort StirlingNo. 99 Squadron RAFVickers WellingtonNo. 107 Squadron RAFBristol BlenheimNo. 138 Squadron RAFWestland LysanderArmstrong Whitworth WhitleyNo. 161 Squadron RAFLockheed HudsonNo. 453 Squadron RAAFSupermarine SpitfireNo. 54 Maintenance Unit RAFNo. 1504 (Beam Approach Training) Flight RAFAirborne Forces Experimental EstablishmentAirfields of Britain Conservation TrustMinistry of DefenceCommandsGroupsSquadronsFlightsConversion unitsOperational Training unitsSchools / Training unitsFerry unitsGlider unitsMisc unitsActiveFormerSatellite Landing GroundsAir Force BoardRAF RegimentRAF Chaplains BranchRAF IntelligenceRAF Legal BranchRAF Medical ServicesPrincess Mary's RAF Nursing ServiceRAF PoliceRAF ground tradesRAF Music ServicesRAF Search and Rescue ForceRAF Mountain Rescue ServiceRAF Marine BranchRAF Air CadetsOperationsRoyal Auxiliary Air ForceRAF Volunteer ReserveList of RAF aircraftcurrentfutureList of RAF missilesList of equipment of the RAF RegimentOfficer ranksOther ranksList of notable personnelList of serving senior officersPersonnel numbersChief of Air StaffAssistant Chief of the Air StaffAir Member for PersonnelAir SecretaryAir Member for MaterielCommandant-General of the RAF RegimentWarrant Officer of the RAFEnsignRoundelsUniformHeraldic badgesAir Training CorpsCombined Cadet Force (RAF section)RAF AssociationRAF Centre of Aviation MedicineRAF Benevolent FundRAF Football AssociationRAF Museumhistorytimeline