Quentin L. Kopp

Republican distaste for the Democratic nominee (then Assemblyman Lou Papan)[3] led them to financially support Kopp, who went on to win by one percentage point.(Opponents qualified Proposition H, which advocated for "select a site for the airport BART station that would be most cost-effective, convenient, and safe.In the public discussion of the measure it was recognized that this was intended to favor a multimodal transit hub on the west side of Highway 101 about a half-mile from the airport.Both the Anaheim Station and Transbay terminal projects had environmental review work completed based on input from the Authority.He departed from the Board's meeting agenda and attempted to conduct an ad hoc vote of those board members in attendance regarding a project list which was never provided to the public and without any advance notice, a maneuver that the Train Riders Association of California (TRAC) considers a clear and egregious violation of the Brown Act.[8] The road was previously named the Portola Freeway by California's State Legislature, indirectly after Gaspar de PortolĂ .
California SenateJackie SpeierSan Francisco Board of SupervisorsSyracuse, New YorkIndependentDartmouth CollegeHarvard UniversityUnited States Air ForceKorean WarCalifornia State Senatemayor of San FranciscoDianne FeinsteinJuris DoctorHarvard Law SchoolMcClellan Air Force BaseUnited States Air Force Office of Special InvestigationsUnited States Air Force Judge Advocate General's CorpsWaterfront Commission of New York HarborPillsbury, Madison & SutroWest Portalrunoff electionJello BiafraDead KennedysLou PapanMike NevinSan Francisco International AirportCaltrainSan Bruno, CaliforniaCalifornia High-Speed Railshovel readyTransbay TerminalInterstate 380Gaspar de PortolĂ Tamara KeithAudie CornishSan Francisco ChronicleC-SPAN