Provinces of Brazil

[1] On February 28, 1821, the provinces were established in the Kingdom of Brazil (then part of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves), superseding the captaincies that were in place at the time.The present-day Uruguay is occupied by the Portuguese Army and incorporated in Brazil as its Cisplatine Province.The last Brazilian provinces that remained loyal to the Portuguese Government in Lisbon adhere to the Empire of Brazil.At the same time, the capital of the province of Rio de Janeiro was transferred to Niterói.The Neutral Municipality that included the city of Rio de Janeiro became the Federal District.
A map showing the Empire and its provinces
The provinces of the Empire of Brazil in 1822
Federative units of BrazilCisplatinaAmazonasParanáProvinceEmpire of Brazilneutral municipalityMinas GeraisKingdom of BrazilUnited Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the AlgarvescaptainciesAlagoasBahia ProvinceCeará ProvinceBanda OrientalEspírito Santo ProvinceGoiás ProvinceGrão-Pará ProvinceMaranhão ProvinceMato Grosso ProvinceMinas Gerais ProvinceParaíba ProvincePiauí ProvincePernambuco ProvinceRio de Janeiro ProvinceRio Grande do Norte ProvinceSanta Catarina ProvinceSão PauloSão Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul ProvinceSergipe ProvinceUruguayRio de Janeiroimperial capitalNiteróiRepublic of the United States of BrazilFederal DistrictStates of BrazilCaptaincies of BrazilProvinces of the Empire of BrazilCearáGoiásGrão-ParáMaranhãoMato GrossoPernambucoSanta CatarinaSão Pedro do Rio Grande do SulSergipe