Protestantism in Myanmar
[6] The famous American Baptist missionaries, Adoniram and Ann Judson, moved to Yangon in 1813 when British authorities refused to allow them to stay in India.Adoniram Judson gathered a group of believers and laboured under many trials, but his missionary tenure of almost 40 years helped firmly establish the Baptist work in Myanmar.During 5–8 December 2013 Myanmar Baptist Convention celebrated its 200th anniversary arrival of missionary Judson.They are actively planning to evangelise all the unreached people groups of it and plant as many as 1200 churches in their project entitled: Golden Myanmar Baptist Mission, Second Decade (2014–2024).The British Methodist Missionary Society travelled to Upper Myanmar in 1887 and established a church in Mandalay.It also provides a home for the elderly, helps youth develop job skills, cares for orphans and provides environmental education.After he graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI he returned to Burma and changed the denominations name to the Christian Reformed Church.The Church recognises the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort and the Ecumenical Creeds.The True Jesus Church is a nontrinitarian Christian denomination begun in China, growing out of the Pentecostal movement.