Bien de Interés Cultural

In Spain, the Bien de Interés Cultural category dates from 1985 when it replaced the former heritage category of Monumento nacional (national monument) to extend protection to a wider range of cultural property."[4] Monumentos are now identified as one of the sub-categories of Bien de Interés Cultural.[5] Under the Spanish system, regions maintain their registers of cultural heritage (see Patrimonio histórico español).[7] Madrid's regional government considers that bullfighting events should be protected as cultural heritage.[8] In contrast, in Catalonia a ban on bullfighting came into effect in 2012, although this was later overturned by the Supreme Court.
A Romanesque church in Aragon with Bien de Interés Cultural status
Jardín histórico : Royal Botanical Garden, Madrid
This village is recognised as a Conjunto Etnológico . [ 6 ]
RomanesqueAragonBasqueCatalanValencianGalicianColombiacultural propertyintangible cultural heritageSilbo Gomero languageWorld Heritage SitesMasterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of HumanityMonumento nacionalJardín históricoMadridMonumentoConjunto históricoReal Jardín Botánico de Madridcultural landscapesRiotintoArchaeological site of AtapuercaPatrimonio histórico españolautonomous communitiesbullfightingban on bullfightingSupreme CourtLists of Bienes de Interés CulturalMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteMinistry of CultureUNESCOEl PaísVocentoEl MundoUnidad Editorial