Professional association

In the United States, such an association is typically a nonprofit business league for tax purposes.[2] The roles of professional associations have been variously defined: "A group of people in a learned occupation who are entrusted with maintaining control or oversight of the legitimate practice of the occupation;"[3] also a body acting "to safeguard the public interest;"[4] organizations which "represent the interest of the professional practitioners," and so "act to maintain their own privileged and powerful position as a controlling body.[5] In the UK the Science Council defines a professional body as "an organisation with individual members practicing a profession or occupation in which the organisation maintains an oversight of the knowledge, skills, conduct and practice of that profession or occupation".[6] The Quality Assurance Agency distinguishes between statutory bodies and regulators that "have powers mandated by Parliament to regulate a profession or group of professions and protect the use of professional titles" and professional bodies that "are independent membership organisations that oversee the activities of a particular profession and represent the interests of [their] members" and which "may offer registration or certification of unregulated occupations on a voluntary basis.[8] Many professional bodies also act as learned societies for the academic disciplines underlying their professions,[1][9] such as the American Statistical Association.
furtherprofessionpublic interestScience CouncilQuality Assurance Agencyprofessional certificationslearned societiesacademic disciplinesAmerican Statistical AssociationAdvocacyAffinity groupBar associationInter-professional associationLicensureList of international professional associationsList of professional associations in the United KingdomProfessional orderRegulatory collegeSyndicateTrade associationTrade unionWorking groupHarvey, L.