[2] Promusicae began in 1958 as a representative of the IFPI in Spain under the name of the Spanish Group of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (Grupo Español de la Federación Internacional de la Industria Fonográfica), although not officially an association, since Spanish law during the Franco regime did not recognize the right of association until 1977.In 1982, with the emergence and popularization of the music video, the AFE changed its name to Phonographic and Videographic Association of Spain (Asociación Fonográfica y Videográfica de España) (AFYVE).They are based on retail music sales within Spain for the week from the preceding Saturday to the Friday prior to calculation.As a member of International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), one of Promusicae's main purposes is to lobby for tougher intellectual property laws to stop music copyright violations.In April 2005, Promusicae claimed that they were monitoring the Kazaa P2P network and they had sent "messages" containing warnings and legal threats to more than 10,000 users.