[2] Various research suggests the first populations arrived to the country around 35,000 BC, during the Pleistocene period for the prehistoric site at "Monte Verde I" and around 15,000 years BC for the site at "Monte Verde II" (the end of the Pleistocene and start of the Holocene (close to the end of the Upper Paleolithic).In the area to the north of the country, the Aymara and the Atacama began to cultivate land from the 11th century in the style of the Incas (growing plants on terraces on the sides of mountains with canal systems).[citation needed] In the austral zone of the country, various Amerindian people such as the Chomos, Tamanas, Alacalufes and Onas were living.On the Pacific coast, different cultures and peoples coexisted: the Aymara, Chango, Chinchorro, Atacama, Diaguita in the north: the Picunche, Mapuche, Huilliche, Chono in the Central and Southern region; and the Ona, Yaghan and Alakaluf in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego.They inhabited the arid coastal regions of the Atacama Desert from Ilo, southern Peru, to Antofagasta in northern Chile.